Search results

  1. Alchymystic

    Hello from NJ

    :welcome:  to the THP forums!   Awesome Thai plant you have! Your's makes mine look like a chump!   :lol:  Mine is much smaller (only in a 2 gal. pot), but it too is really starting to pump out the new blooms and fruit. Nice to have you aboard; hope you get some great harvests this year! 
  2. Alchymystic

    Hello from Sunny Florida!

    Hola to you too, Jim!   :welcome: to the THP forums from South Carolina! Nice to have you aboard! Cheers!   :cool:
  3. Alchymystic

    Hello from New Haven, Connecticut

    :welcome: to the THP forums! Nice to have you join up! Best of growing with your plants already fruiting... and to the new additions too!  ;) Hope you get some great harvests. Cheers!
  4. Alchymystic

    chinense PEACH BHUTLAH "exclusive"(C.chin) Pod Test!!

    Many thanks for posting this, Steven! I remember seeing Ed’s initial video of the peach awhile back on his channel where he gave just a little sneak peek of an unveiling... a ‘teaser’ of what the pods look like - such a beautiful pepper! Beautiful… but brutal! Great job on the review...
  5. Alchymystic

    Getting shwifty in Houston

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! Nice to have you aboard! Best of growing down in Houston... hope you get some big harvests worthy of the slogan 'Everything's bigger in Texas!'  :cool:
  6. Alchymystic

    Hello from Japan

    Czesc / Konnichiwa!   :welcome: to the THP forums, nice to have you aboard! I can't think of any peppers right now that are known for being specifically cold tolerant; I'm always looking for varieties that are more able to withstand the heat! Perhaps someone from a more northern/colder climate...
  7. Alchymystic

    Have You Ever Seen This?

    I've seen this in the last 2 papayas I bought, one easily had over 100 sprouts/leaves! I once had a tomato I bought from the farmers market actually have a sprout break through the skin and its leaves fully emerge in the open air... it was crazy! I sacrificed that one just to see how long it...
  8. Alchymystic

    Probably should have done this earlier..

    :welcome: to the THP forums from SC! Nice to have you aboard!   Back in the day (when I was around 11), I used to have some lizards myself... a male Jackson's chameleon (watching it feed was the coolest thing ever!), and a green iguana. I always wanted snakes as well (the traditional ball python...
  9. Alchymystic

    A Minnesnowta Chile Lover

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC!   I’m a huge fan of the Aji Amarillo’s as well! I was so happy last year to find some freshly frozen pods, direct from Peru, in a local Mexican mercado/grocery! That’s the closest to fresh I’ve yet to have - it made me love them even more than I already did...
  10. Alchymystic

    The ol' Trypophobia? Google Images this- Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis. That's crazy/weirds me...

    The ol' Trypophobia? Google Images this- Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis. That's crazy/weirds me out! If your hardcore (warning: extremely graphic)- Necrotizing Fasciitis. 1000's of insane med. conditions/deformities/diseases out there. Forever scarred seeing STD pics in school- looks like...
  11. Alchymystic

    Happy Birthday D3monic

    :bday:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  :bday:   Hope you have a great day on your day off... all the best!!  :cheers:
  12. Alchymystic


    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! Nice looking plant! Loads of peppers on that one... your're going to have some nice harvests!  :P Your definitely found the place to gather all the info you may want as to different peppers, growing them, and then what to do when you harvest! Best of luck to...
  13. Alchymystic

    Hi from Tacoma, WA

      Your most welcome!   I can still imagine the smell and flavor of them freshly roasted and sprinkled with sea salt! :drooling:  I tried them for the first time just 2 months or so ago- I instantly fell in love! If you haven't seen it already, here's the thread that was giving the Shishitos all...
  14. Alchymystic

    Hello From Los Angeles

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from South Carolina! Nice to have you along! Plenty of growing, harvesting, and cooking info within the forums to feed your interests... Pepper growing is certainly a good hobby to have; hope your plants give you some great harvests! 
  15. Alchymystic

    Hello from Cincinnati, Ohio

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! You're not the first to stumble upon the forums while searching for a proper ID of a (sadly, happens a bit too often) mislabeled pepper  ;) ; you certainly found the best place to help you unravel the mystery! Nice to have you aboard! 
  16. Alchymystic


    Simply stunning! Thanks so much for sharing this! You definitely captured the thematic ‘spirit’ in this work – I instantly see similar and complementary elements in this that one might see in a work by an Alex Grey or Pablo Amaringo! They both being masters of trying to capture and portray that...
  17. Alchymystic

    Hello from Hotinhotout1

    :welcome:  to the THP forums, mate! Always great to have another Aussie on board! Best of growing to you, cheers!  :P
  18. Alchymystic

    Newbi from AZ

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! Best of growing in all your dirty, wet (soil & hydro ;) ) adventures!! Nice to have you aboard!
  19. Alchymystic

    Phantom Pepper

    Here you go -  :cool:
  20. Alchymystic

    Hello from London, UK

    :welcome: to the forums, mate! You certainly want to check out the hot sauce making section of the forums if sauces are your thing! There's a wealth of knowledge to look through and learn, and some really knowledgeable/helpful people to assist you with any questions along the way. Since your...