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  1. Alchymystic

    Hello from Belvidere Illinois

    :welcome:  to the THP forums! May your pepper growing adventure continue to go well! Cheers!  :cheers:
  2. Alchymystic

    review Freakish MOA Scotch Bonnet pod test

      I think your correct... that the Yellow Scorpion itself is a cross between the traditional Red Scorpion and a Bonnet somewhere down the line. The specific Yellow 'CARDI' strain then just being one Yellow Scorpion they particularly worked on and further developed. I found these 2 quotes in some...
  3. Alchymystic

    Hi from Tacoma, WA

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC!! Nice to have you aboard!   Now I'm having thoughts of a big ol' plate of freshly roasted Shishitos with a side of Scotch Bonnets!  ;)  Can't go wrong with either of those! Best of growing the rest of this season.
  4. Alchymystic

    review Freakish MOA Scotch Bonnet pod test

      I was going to say the exact thing - looks like a Yellow Scorpion CARDI!  ;)  Very interesting occurrence, Peter! It will be fun to see how (or if) the pods change as others come in and ripen up! Thanks for the review! 
  5. Alchymystic

    From GA (U.S) in Taiwan

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! Nice to have you aboard! Cool looking plants, hope they give you some good harvests!   :cool:
  6. Alchymystic

    'Black Velvet Apricots'- A bit different from pluots, plumcots or apriums; said it's a 50/50...

    'Black Velvet Apricots'- A bit different from pluots, plumcots or apriums; said it's a 50/50 cross of plums & apricots. Beautiful fruits! More plum like than apricot. I let them get super ripe where the flesh is almost all gelled/liquefied!
  7. Alchymystic

    Hate to admit it, but I've yet to eat any watermelon this summer- but I've been inhaling local...

    Hate to admit it, but I've yet to eat any watermelon this summer- but I've been inhaling local peaches, black plums & black apricots! Are the Moon & Stars really good? Think I saw them at the market, or some yellow variety- have to get some now! :)
  8. Alchymystic

    Growing in Louisiana

    :welcome:  to the THP forums, Chris! Really great to have you aboard; excellent introduction. Always great to see someone from Louisiana (who has as their interests both boudin & tamales to boot! :D ) Louisiana holds a special place in my heart, I spent years of my youth growing up in Webster...
  9. Alchymystic

    Inside the Black Bhutlah Scorpion

    You still have my addy?  ;) Those just look 'bloody beautiful', Andrew! (pun much intended! Haha!)   I've only ever see one other black pepper with very distinct red/bloody looking interior flesh that someone posted on Facebook. Everyone was all 'Ohhhs & Ahhhs' over how wicked it looked! ...
  10. Alchymystic

    Hello from Hungary

    :welcome:  to the THP forums! Nice to have you along! Peppers are looking nice; hope they continue to keep giving good yields (having more than you know what to do with is better than wanting more but not having them!  ;)) Best of growing to you the rest of your season! Cheers! 
  11. Alchymystic

    Using Photobucket

    I used to use Photobucket (free version... still might in the future). It was very slow for me as well. The speed was the main reason I stopped using it. I also consistently ran into an issue where it would flip my picture upside down, or even when they uploaded the proper way, when I'd post...
  12. Alchymystic

    Yikes! Sounds like my uncle- had leg cut off below knee due to diabetes (all worsened since he...

    Yikes! Sounds like my uncle- had leg cut off below knee due to diabetes (all worsened since he won’t stop smoking; increased lack of blood flow!) Now a 2nd time above knee (def. handicapped!) Neuropathy + continued smoking = now gangrene! Get well!
  13. Alchymystic

    Nice! More mobility, no smoke to breathe & no grease burned arms! Once had a fun custodian- used...

    Nice! More mobility, no smoke to breathe & no grease burned arms! Once had a fun custodian- used to dance around w/ the mops/brooms! Lol! Don’t forget to practice ‘Wax on, Wax off’ while washing windows & tables! ;)
  14. Alchymystic

    Psyched about the site.

    :welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! Sounds like you have some wonderful, adventuresome plans heading into 2017 - hope you get the house and everything goes great for you as your're planning! I'd just add to not forget considering adding some Bhut Jolokia ('ghost pepper') varieties along side...
  15. Alchymystic

    Sadly that sounds like a select few from one side of my family- a few black sheep they are. It’s...

    Sadly that sounds like a select few from one side of my family- a few black sheep they are. It’s a whole control/manipulation thing for them. They have a specific propensity for either stealing or destroying pics/memories. Sorry to hear. Agree w/ Rymerpt 100%; save what you can if possible!
  16. Alchymystic

    Wound care; to speed healing? Hope all goes well! In re: to 'aliens'- the probes man, stay away...

    Wound care; to speed healing? Hope all goes well! In re: to 'aliens'- the probes man, stay away from anything 'probe like', esp. being a guy (if you know what I'm saying! :)
  17. Alchymystic

    Dad's 73- zips through calls/texts/emails, surfs the net, watches YouTube, listens to podcasts...

    Dad's 73- zips through calls/texts/emails, surfs the net, watches YouTube, listens to podcasts, & everything else on his smart phone! Lol. I know what you speak of though (other/older family)- funny but scary!
  18. Alchymystic

    I’d like to send you a free sample of my Trinidad style hot sauce

    :welcome:  to the THP forums, Mustafa! It's always nice to see a fellow Carolinian!   I LOVE Trini style 'peppa' sauce!! I’ll never forget my first try of a homemade version; it was incredibly delicious and so refreshing! That’s the first time I (knowingly) tried culantro (shado beni as it was...
  19. Alchymystic

    Show and Tell

    That Thai Hot is intriguing! I love the white look while under ripe! With that said, however… It looks absolutely nothing like the Thai Hot from Bonnie Plants (the only source I know of with a specific pepper variety called Thai Hot, or the one people are usually referring to when calling a...
  20. Alchymystic

    Happy Birthday grantmichaels

    :bday:  Biggest HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to you, Grant!!  :bday:    Hope you have a most wonderful day!!  :cheers: