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  1. K

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    man those pod look awesome! i cant wait  till mine grow 
  2. K

    Habaneros with hearts!?

    i think it is i have the same stuff on my seed im trying to germinate 
  3. K

    Ok looking jamacian hot chocolate hab plant?

    very nice. i hope mine will look that good what r u feeding her
  4. K

    New grower trying to figure out how much light needed for plan.

    i just bought a grow light from amazon 80 bucks with free shipping comes with a reflector.
  5. K

    Looking for advise on making a hot sauce plz!

    get a hand blender and in a pot put Ur chillies some vinegar  or  lemon juice, simmer it and then with a hand blender blend it. that's it if you wanna get fancy you can put it through a fine mesh strainer.    at a place i used to work we made a strawberry jalapeño  chutney. very tasty
  6. K

    seeds-germination seeds

    thanks for the link ill definitely give that a read. and i really dont think its the root. but i think they are ok now.
  7. K

    seeds-germination seeds

    ok thanks for all the help
  8. K

    seeds-germination seeds

    k thanks i will definitely try hydrogen peroxide. they are still seeds i have them on moist paper towel. i hope they make it
  9. K

    seeds-germination seeds

    ill try and post one in a sec just gotta take a pic Well I cant get a pic there are way small and its not the root, they look like really really thin hairs with little while ball on the end, can I clean them off with a light bleach solutiom
  10. K

    seeds-germination seeds

    i got some chilli seeds germ. and they starting to look like they are growing mold , lil white hairs is there any thing i can do to save my seed so they dont go bad. or are they already garbage    thanks kyle
  11. K

    hello from ontario

    thanks guys lots of Canadians, i like that lol. smokin'hot thats a funny pic
  12. K

    hello from ontario

    Hello everybody my name is kyle I recently got some chili seeds. And really existed to grow super hots. Since it s the end of the season I cant grow them outside, so I bought a light. 125 wat cfl bulb and a reflector and gunna be growing them in my closet. Cant wait till the seeds sprout!