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  1. chilicutter

    Hola all chileheads

    Hola Another grazy finish chilihead:lol: Muurame near by jyväskylä. Take visit my homepage if you want swap something:hell:
  2. chilicutter

    greenhouse My new (8ft x 12ft) Greenhouse

    Wow:shocked: 400£ that almoust free. Nice job.
  3. chilicutter

    Hola all chileheads

    Thanks Wildfire. You got some nice ornamental chillis in your shop:lol:
  4. chilicutter

    Chilli lover from Perth WA

    Hi Welcome from Muurame Finland
  5. chilicutter

    Hola all chileheads

    Thanks for all. Here you can find pics my this year growings.
  6. chilicutter

    PepperLover... is here

    Hola! Welcome from Muurame Finland.
  7. chilicutter


    Welcome from Muurame Finland
  8. chilicutter

    Hola all chileheads

    Hi I'am from finland. I grow chilis,tomatoes,herbs,all kinds of vegetables.Just hobby. Here's my this year growing list(only chili) -Aji Benito C.baccatum -Aji little Finger C.Baccatum -Aji Ecuador Orange C.Baccatum -Anaheim F1 C.Annuum -Black Chilli C.Annuum -Black Pearl C.Annuum -Bolivian...