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  1. chilicutter

    Black Chilli Plant

    NO NO NO It's not Black Cuban How many flowers start in same point in black cuban. I got that JR plant and its flowering now,same point start grow 5-6 flowers I think its closer Chinense than Annuum.
  2. chilicutter

    i believe its polite to introduce oneself

    Hi and welcome from FINLAND Both of those varietes are very beatiful i got also marbles this year. Praire fire i got last year. Good luck with you growings.
  3. chilicutter

    Black Cobra

    It's really looks like goats weed but different pods. Nice plant never see before. Do you guys got any extra seeds?
  4. chilicutter

    Little Black Eggs on Naga Morich Plant..

    Give them give poison.:mouthonfire:
  5. chilicutter

    where ??

    Welcome from Finland
  6. chilicutter

    Howdy from Texas

    Hi and welcom from Finland
  7. chilicutter

    Hello from San Rafael, California

    Welcome from Finland
  8. chilicutter


    Welcome from Finland
  9. chilicutter

    Hello From Scotland

    Welcome from finland
  10. chilicutter

    Need seeds

    Thanx pepermanbaha. Bradleys bahamian seeds arrive today,seeds are perfect condition.
  11. chilicutter

    Hi Brad I put you trade list;)

    Hi Brad I put you trade list;)
  12. chilicutter

    show-off Craig's Pepper Pics

    Very nice...excellet job;)
  13. chilicutter

    Smoking is dangerous man;) Drinking water...thats wery dangerous:) Mushrooms,garlig,jalapenos...

    Smoking is dangerous man;) Drinking water...thats wery dangerous:) Mushrooms,garlig,jalapenos and bacon is even more delicious.
  14. chilicutter

    Hi Novacastrian. What's up?

    Hi Novacastrian. What's up?
  15. chilicutter

    Greetings from Georgia

    welcome from Finland
  16. chilicutter

    Hi from Bendigo

    Hi Welcome from Finland. Here's lot of aussies. You find lot useful information on this forum.
  17. chilicutter

    Dillo's Grow Log 2009

    Nice plants you got there. Eating season first pod is alvays highligt.
  18. chilicutter


    Cast away Why everybody want superhot chillis?
  19. chilicutter

    Yellow Rocoto

    Maybe it's lack of something or something too much;) Is that good diagnose:lol: