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  1. chilicutter


    You are right. But i have no more room inside house. When i can move chillis out i repot all my chillis bigger pots. But you can grow chilis really small pot;)
  2. chilicutter


    Hi and welcome from Finland
  3. chilicutter


    Here's exsample Plant is 50cm tall producing pods,pot is only 3dl
  4. chilicutter

    Does anyone grow peppers in the far North?

    Hi BS This may be a good variety for you. Semi-early (108-113 days) prolific hybrid. Plant is strong, 60-70 cm height. Fruits are conical-elongated, black, hot, high sugar and vitamins contents. Mass is 70-120 grams. Hybrid's value: abundant fruiting, hardiness to bad weather conditions and...
  5. chilicutter

    My wild chillis and others too

    I get translation for russian text for Molnia seeds packet. Среднеранний(108-113 дней) урожайный гибрид. Растение мощное, высотой до 60-70 см. Плоды удлиненно-конусовидные, черные, с жгуче-острым вкусом, с высоким содержанием Сахаров и витаминов. Масса 70-120г. Ценность гибрида: обильное...
  6. chilicutter

    favorite Favorite seasoning peppers.

    Habanero is my favourite Second comes thai peppers
  7. chilicutter

    Anybody ever seen a chilli like this?

    Damn You are right i should clean my glases sometimes:lol: But when you look quicly they looks almoust same;)
  8. chilicutter

    wanted Wanted: Bolivian Rainbow Seeds

    Hi I got purple flower Bolivian rainbow seeds. PM me if you still looking those.
  9. chilicutter

    My wild chillis and others too

    Molnia Tsernaja is annuum. It should be middle heated (4-5) I taste just one pod ,not ripen little heat and very very sweet. I think i never taste such sweet pepper before. It could be very good in salsas and sauces. if someone want to try that variety PM me. Maybe little trade you could be...
  10. chilicutter

    Lee´s 2009 Grow season

    Hi Lee I got plant called Molnia Tsernaja/Black Lightning russian variety. It looks like this. Yuor plant is been better light than mine. It getting darker when first pods start grow. What colour flovers was that you plant? BTW your PM box is full i try to pm you yesterday.
  11. chilicutter

    My wild chillis and others too

    I don't have taste yet. I waiting until they are ripen,they should stay black.
  12. chilicutter

    My wild chillis and others too

    More pics Puta-pario C.Chacoense. Cobincho C.Exile CAP 1473 (microcarpum)(left) and C.Rhomboileum(right)
  13. chilicutter

    My wild chillis and others too

    Some pics. Bolivian rainbow is beatyful plant Black peppers Molnia Tsernaja/Black Lightning is russian variety. Chimayo or Anaheim that's question. C.Lanceolatum all my tree plants are same size.
  14. chilicutter

    Pepper paradise...

    You are right..pepper paradise:) Really nice place you got there.
  15. chilicutter


    Damn they look good. Good job.
  16. chilicutter

    show-off Some plant pics 2009

    Looks nice,very good job:) Try cut that mesh off,very difficult get roots thru that.
  17. chilicutter

    Hello from "The Rock"!

    Hi and welcome from Finland There's even colder than here. Good luck with the peppers.
  18. chilicutter


    Welcome from Finland
  19. chilicutter

    Hello everyone.

    Welcome from FINLAND
  20. chilicutter

    wanted WANTED seeds

    Idon't just looking,I WANT THEM:lol: