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  1. serrano

    2010 smackdown

    they look like a winners to me. can't wait to plant few TS myself.
  2. serrano

    My window 2009

    looking good. your hot lemon plant looks exactly like the one i have
  3. serrano

    Anybody growing giant vegetables?

    thats huge, i've found one thats suppouse to have tomatoes around 3,5lbs
  4. serrano

    Anybody growing giant vegetables?

    how big are your giant tomatoes suppouse to be? i was considering to grow giant tomatoes but instead i choose some others.
  5. serrano

    Poor Hamster...

    how someone can be so cruel. hope she gets 2 years in jail or more.
  6. serrano

    Poor Hamster...

  7. serrano

    serrano's 2010 growing thread

    Since i started planing it's time to start me a 2010 growing thread. I have big list of varieties and i'm planing to buy even more so i will probably cut back on something. I dont remember which are from who now so i'm just saying thanks to all who traded with me. to be sowed: pasilla bajio 1...
  8. serrano

    febuary first to late to sow seeds?

    how about tomatoes? when to start them?
  9. serrano


    no ide what it is but the plant was very weird looking and so were pods - long hook-like and ribbed. maybe it will look the same for you.
  10. serrano

    seeds-germination Do dark or cracked seeds germinate?

    if you have plenty then i would throw away those dark ones. little cracks should not affect germination by my understanding.
  11. serrano


    glad to see that seeds from me are sprouting. there is no such thing as mutant chili obviously. i just give that label to some weird unstable cross i grow last year. gave me many pods but i've never tried them. long pods with 2 curves on them - resemble fishing hook. good luck with your plants.
  12. serrano

    seeds-germination Zone 5b/6a/6b people, have you started germinating seeds yet?

    i dont know the zone but i have short summer here. will start seeds onend of february or in middle of march. chinenses maybe earlier.
  13. serrano

    Dorset Nova Strain World Wide Environmental Evaluation Thread

    im going to start your dosrsets this year. i also have overwintered hot lemon from you - this thing gave me many pods growing in a tiny pot.
  14. serrano

    Anyone growing grapes

    Im growing few grape plants - white ones. I dont know what they are though. i also dont knwo if grape plants will do good in a container.
  15. serrano

    2010 smackdown

    o yes im in this one too with my rocoto peron :)
  16. serrano

    2010 smackdown

    yes let's do that! i like annual growing events but it have to be fun in 1st place. anyway lets start new thread for this.
  17. serrano

    2010 smackdown

    all sounds good but im in europe :) prettiest scorpion pod competition would be good i think.
  18. serrano

    2010 smackdown

    i dont have scorpions but how about dorset nagas? :)
  19. serrano

    2010 smackdown

    hello. how about some smackdown this year? who's in?
  20. serrano

    seeds-germination Its almost seed starting time! Whatcha growing?

    aji habanero aji lemon anaheim banana sweet beaver dam carno di toro cubanelle cyklon elephant ear dedo de moca dutch dorset naga grenada seasoning red grenada seasoning yellow golden treasure habanero big white hungarian hot wax jalapeno - 2 types jalapeno early jalapeno purple jalapeno mucho...