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  1. Gratefulseedsaver

    PaulG’s Trippaul Threat Purple

    I really enjoyed growing this pepper variety this 2023 season. A BEAUTIFUL 5 foot tall 4 foot wide dark foliaged plant that yielded approximately 35-40 amazing pods. It weathered a massive rabbit buffet (1 1/2” stub) and still produced nicely before the scheduled first frost. It was grown the...
  2. Gratefulseedsaver

    news Here commmmmes the BUNNY…

    BigAg’s reaches are far and wide. What amazes me in this article is that nothing is said about imported fresh fruits and vegetables with viable seeds that don’t require a photosanity certificate. WAY SQUEEZE OUT THE SMALL FARMS COMMUNITY CLUBBING THEM WITH MONETARY FEES, APHIS/USDA!!! Just...
  3. Gratefulseedsaver

    seed-plant-vendors The Big ROCKS!!!

    I just wanted give a shout of THANKS to the Big for putting on an OUTSTANDING seed swap this last weekend!!! GREAT JOB to ALL who made it happen and ALL who attended!!! THANK YOU FOR THE SEEDS AND SMILES!!!