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  1. AloxVanFren


    Could someone help and tell me what could be the cause of this slight discoloration on pepper leaf ? This is present on other leafs as well
  2. AloxVanFren

    Help me identify pepper, please

    I sow few carolina reaper seeds, and this is what I got, could someone please identify this pepper cause this doesn't look like reaper to me
  3. AloxVanFren

    cloning Cloning peppers (water bottle)

    I had really strong winds last Sunday and it completely broke my white habanero plant. So I found youtube video describing particular pepper cloning method. It was just like put cutting into water bottle and pour some water and wait ( of course removing excess leaves and buds) I didn't believe...
  4. AloxVanFren

    seed-plant-vendors Fake Seed Warning

    Fellow European friends   I wish to warn you about buying seeds from amazon and ebay ,and if after all warnings you choose to do so please avoid seller fmdinis .Its not money we are talking about here its wasted time. Rather buy from trusted sellers and use seed exchange since its more reliable...
  5. AloxVanFren

    pruning-topping Pruning Pepper Suckers

    Should pepper suckers be pruned ? Can those suckers produce buds and therefore peppers ? And what could be potential advantages of pruning them ? 
  6. AloxVanFren

    Some kind of disease ?

    Spotted this and few smaller on the underside of the leaf. Anyone know what this could be ? Thanks.
  7. AloxVanFren

    Curly bumpy and shiny leaves

    I noticed leaf curl in new growth. I have 2 Ghost Pepper plants growing in 15 liter pots. One is showing no sign while other is curling.  I searched and found that chamomile tea can be used as foliar spray and help calcium/magnesium deficiency. And I checked for aphids and nothing so it is most...