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  1. ahayastani

    AHayastani 23 > 24

    I know, I'm a bit late to enter the party 😬 I will be growing peppers during the dry season this year, which means more work (watering) but less pests (in theory). Fingers crossed 🤞
  2. ahayastani

    preservation Peppers in soy sauce

    I've had some kind of infection and was confined to the sofa for a few days. It gave me some opportunity to do a bit of youtube-browing and came across a few interesting youtube channels. I was completely unaware of a pepper preparation by "Guangxi grandma", who stores peppers in soy sauce (+...
  3. ahayastani

    news How forgotten Colorado fossils may rewrite part of plant evolutionary history

    How forgotten Colorado fossils may rewrite part of plant evolutionary history [ Click title for full story ] Botanists and paleontologists, led by researchers from CU Boulder, have identified a fossil chili pepper that may rewrite the geography and evolutionary timeline of the tomato plant...
  4. ahayastani


    🌴 Welcome to my OGLOG! 🌴 I'm growing a few plants that have absolutely nothing to do with peppers: edibles (🧑‍🍳), "edibles" (:high:), and ornamentals (🌸). We'll soon begin building our house and I've started to grow plants for our garden there. 🌴 Location: Chiapas, Mexico. Our climate is...
  5. ahayastani

    Editing of posts

    I maintain(ed) a table in my GLOG and added new varieties as I planted them in my garden. Now editing seems to be disabled. The table was created on 1 Dec and its last edit was on 26 Dec. I would like to keep editing this table as the season progresses. Any way this can be done?
  6. ahayastani

    AHayastani's GLOG 2022

    🌴 Welcome to my GLOG! 🌴 I have a small urban terrace garden where I grow mainly peppers in containers. My location is Chiapas, Mexico. The local climate is tropical with pronounced dry and rainy seasons. The temperatures can sometimes be too much for the plants to bear (especially around...
  7. ahayastani

    AHayastani's ГЛΟГ

    I have an urban "garden" on the roof of a house in tropical Chiapas, Mexico. It's the first year that I'm growing plants - mostly Capsicum - in this location. I lived in a temperate region of Europe before, and the adaptation to different growing conditions is not without setbacks. Another issue...
  8. ahayastani


    Hi everybody,   I have a few years of gardening expertise but changed from a temperate to a tropical climate (Chiapas, MX). A lot of gardening re-education going on... Change of climate also means change of crops, and peppers definitely are easier to cultivate in tropical conditions, at least in...