Search results

  1. chilicutter

    wanted Looking one specie seeds!

    Looking 2 specie seeds! Hi All I looking C.Flexousum and C.Schottianum seeds. I can offer for trade: -C.Lanceolatum -C.Tovarii -5 Different C.Chacoense varietes -6 Different c.Praetermissum Varietes. -Some Tepin Varietes. -C.Eximium varietes Some other wild varietes. Also i have lot of "normal"...
  2. chilicutter

    wanted Looking C.Pubescens and C.Frutecens seeds.

    Hi all! I'm lookin these Pubescens and Frutescens seeds: C.Pubescens. -AJI MONGOL -AJI ROCOTO (PI 355812) -BROWN ROCOTO -C04896 -CAP 1492 -CAP 357 -CGN 22796 -CGN 22797 -CGN 23768 (PI 260598) -ECUADORIAN RED PEPPER FOR HELL -GRIF 1613 -GRIF 9345 -GRIF 9347 -MANZANO CANARIO -PI 585277 -WHITE...
  3. chilicutter

    show-off First harvest.

    My first harvest this season. All are annuums very hot ones. All red peppers are unknown. Yellow chillis are Short Yellow Tabasco.
  4. chilicutter


    Why in same plant is 5 and 6 petal flowers? Here's example. Do you guys know what Specie and variety that is?
  5. chilicutter

    Name this chili

    So chiliheads what is this chili? I know and tell variety later. Make real good guess;) Good luck this isnt easy
  6. chilicutter

    My wild chillis and others too

    Some pics. Bolivian rainbow is beatyful plant Black peppers Molnia Tsernaja/Black Lightning is russian variety. Chimayo or Anaheim that's question. C.Lanceolatum all my tree plants are same size.
  7. chilicutter

    Chilicutter season 2009 Pods!

    Hi all Some pics my annuums and pods. Nice crop is coming.
  8. chilicutter

    Chilicutter season 2009! First pods

    Hi This season first pods is grow fast:lol: Seed is soved 15.1.09 Plant is only 25cm tall.
  9. chilicutter

    wanted WANTED seeds

    Hi I need to get some seeds:( -Arboretum Round Black -Black Cuban -Black Namaqualand -Black Texas -Purple Variegated -Venezuela Purple I like swap those seeds.(If somebody want donate seeds that OK too) Visit my homepage there you find my seed list.
  10. chilicutter

    Hola all chileheads

    Hi I'am from finland. I grow chilis,tomatoes,herbs,all kinds of vegetables.Just hobby. Here's my this year growing list(only chili) -Aji Benito C.baccatum -Aji little Finger C.Baccatum -Aji Ecuador Orange C.Baccatum -Anaheim F1 C.Annuum -Black Chilli C.Annuum -Black Pearl C.Annuum -Bolivian...