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  1. Taj

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

    When I was last involved in this community the Butch T was just crowned king, I know that the Reaper is the current "official" king.   Are there any major things (developments, events) I should know about?   I sorted the forum by most viewed and read the threads about the Reaper in 2013 ... that...
  2. Taj

    Long time no talk.

    So I'm actually sitting on a beach fishing at the moment typing this on my iPhone, which I guess is not a bad way to spend Christmas and it's also an interesting way to start a thread. :) As some may have noticed I've been absent for the last year, loosing three years of stock really took it's...
  3. Taj

    So ... I'm back ...

    So my girl apparently needed some chilli sauce yesterday ... and she asked me if I still had some chilli powder left (that was sent from Junglerain). I tasted a bit of the Naga Powder, after not having anything for months and yeah, it was hot, she came up tasted some as well and went a bit...
  4. Taj

    Touch Wood - Success at last.

    I really cannot say how happy I am with some success finally. These seedlings are about 4-5 months old ... they just sat there, with their seed leaves, while every chilli around them died ... and they finally, for no reason, last week, started growing and growing fast. A week ago they had only...
  5. Taj

    seeds-germination Seedlings dropping their seed leaves.

    Seedlings dropping their seed leaves. Why does this happen, its starting to piss me off. As each day goes past, another few seedlings will drop their seed leaves, turn over and die. Night time temps are around 15*C, so it should not be hibernation. They are in full shade, outside ... The...
  6. Taj

    labels-artwork Best labels / packaging I have seen on a hot sauce.

    Some of you may know I am a Graphic Designer by trade, owning my own firm from 2001-2008. I have found (and this is just my opinion) that most hot sauce labels look, really dodgy. This is just one of my perks in life, I like good design and I think it means a lot more for a product than actually...
  7. Taj

    Interesting Article concerning Germination Temps

    Article ::
  8. Taj

    The superhots I am missing ... (Douglah, Morouga, BrainStrain, Y-Scorp)

    The superhots I am missing ... (Morouga Blend + Barrackpore) I have built up a nice little collection of seeds over winter, the majority of them I bought from the UK store, I think I actually enjoy collecting seeds more than eating chillis. And a few have kindly been donated by some members...
  9. Taj

    Crocodile, Emu, Kangaroo and other aussie game meats ...

    After visiting Scorp's house and having some of his awesome chilli infused camel, I am quite interested in trying out some really hot sauces with our local game meat, and perhaps even make some jerky, I know they already sell Crocodile, Emu and Kangaroo jerky but I always figured it was more of...
  10. Taj

    Seed company questions? (Thread split from sale area)

    Before I start this is not a personal attack, on either you or your business, this is just something I have been thinking about and try to take it as constructive critisim rather than the alternative ... If you are reselling anything it is your responsibility to make sure the merchandise that...
  11. Taj

    They finally arrived ... + some of my plants.

    I originally ordered a collection of seeds to grow over winter from the UK a month ago, but they ran out of the Congo Black, after waiting for three weeks for them to get them, I just decided to ditch the Congo Blacks (as I already had Chocolate Habaneros coming) and get some Tomato seeds...
  12. Taj

    Largest / longest pepper available?

    I have been trying to find out what is the largest / longest pepper available? (Not a standard bell pepper / capsicum shape) I know there are a few varieties of bell peppers that are about 7" long and 4" wide, such as the Goliath and Big Bertha. I know of Big Jim Peppers (green/red colour) that...
  13. Taj

    I just noticed this ...

    In The Fast and the Furious (Tokyo Drift) when the main character Sean crashes his car in the high school race scene (the first race), when he is upside down in slow motion there is a random bottle of Tabasco that just flies around. That is all.