Search results

  1. Melissa77754


    What's up my fellow THP'ers!! :D I have been wanting to offer up some seeds to anyone interested, finally getting around to doing so. These were all grown by myself or my brother Nick (aka Mr Pots) and are considered "open pollinated" I can fill up to 20 SASBE's, all I ask is you send in...
  2. Melissa77754

    Melissa's 2013 Bigger and Better grow!!

    Hey everyone!! It's been awhile since I have been able to catch up with all my THP friends! Work, family and my continuous grow leaves me no free time.BUT I don't let the lack of free time get in the way of doing what I love, growing! My outdoor season is still going, production is down because...
  3. Melissa77754

    Fresh peppers & Hobby Hot sauce package

    Hey everyone ;) I wanted to offer up some hobby hot sauce/fresh pepper small flat rate boxes. My brother Nick (Mr Pots) has proven to be a great hot sauce maker, so we bought cases of woozies and bottled them up for others to try. Our plants are in full swing so we have lots of organically...
  4. Melissa77754

    Happy Birthday Smokemaster!!

    Happy Birthday Mike!! May this year bring you everything you wish for!!! :bday: Melissa :cheers:
  5. Melissa77754

    Alabama Jumper worms for aerating clay?

    Been doing a lot of research on worms for aerating soil. Has anyone ever used Alabama Jumper worms to help aerate their clay soil? They are much pricier than the standard red wiggler worms, but if they will help my clay soil I may just bite the bullet and buy some! :)
  6. Melissa77754

    in-ground In ground plant spacing question

    Hey guys/gals! :) I have a question for all the in ground growers. My beds are pretty much ready to plant in and I am wondering how far apart I should space each plant? What else should I take in to consideration? Maybe each species planted in rows? Like Annum row, baccatum row, chinense row...
  7. Melissa77754

    Melissa77754 2012 Glog

    Hey Everyone So I figured it is about time I start a Grow log of my own and I will do my very best to keep it up to date. With two kiddos and a massive amount of plants my days can be pretty hectic. I grew jalapenos and serranos last season, had a decent harvest considering the small pot size...
  8. Melissa77754

    Pepper ID help

    Can anyone tell me what kind of pepper this is? I rec'd a mixed bag of 20+ dried pods and planted some random seeds. This is one of the first to produce a pod. It started off green with a black tip and as it has grown larger the entire pod turned black. Any ideas? I am including a list from...
  9. Melissa77754

    free Free Seeds ***CLOSED***

    Hey Everyone, I have some seeds that were collected from peppers I purchased off Biscgolf here on THP. The peppers were beautiful! I am offering them up for SASE/SASBE, each pack will have at least 10 seeds. Trinidad Scorpion - 5 packs Bhut Jolokia - 5 Packs Naga Morich - 5 Packs 7 Pot Red -...
  10. Melissa77754

    What would you pay for plants?

    My hot pepper growing is getting rather expensive, nobody's fault but my own! :) This question is to all the SoCal members. I have been considering selling plants locally come spring time to help fund my pepper growing addiction. My question is, how much would you be willing to pay for plants...
  11. Melissa77754

    A few of my plants

    I thought it was about time I posted a few pictures on THP, I always enjoy looking at everyone's pics! Some of my plants have been getting a little over watered while I am away at work, working on fixing that! But pretty good for a first time grower :dance: Choc Bhut Biquinho Yellow Manzano...
  12. Melissa77754

    trade Trade?

    ****REMOVED VARIETIES THAT ARE SPOKEN FOR**** Hey everyone! I have been pretty fortunate with generous traders and would now like to use "some" of my stash to trade for varieties I don't already have. I am most interested in super hots but will consider anything if you really recommend it...
  13. Melissa77754

    seeds-germination Starting seeds

    Hi guys/gals :) I have been reading it is best to start seeds in "seed starting"mix. As of now I have been using jiffy peat pellets with good success. My problem is I recently went back to work and the pellets are drying out too fast while I am away. Is there any reason WHY I can't use regular...