Search results

  1. SadisticPeppers

    hobbies Nice freebie from Games Workshop

    On my way home from a client, I stopped by the local Games Workshop. For those that may not be familiar with it. It's a store where people can buy, assemble, paint & play with miniatures on small-scale battlefields. One of the most popular games is called Warhammer 40k. Each person can field...
  2. SadisticPeppers

    seeds-germination Two-part question

    It's been a while since I started a new seed tray, which I'll be doing this week, so I had a two-part question: My initial plan is to put the seed tray I'll be starting this week outside on the balcony. Since the outdoor temperatures are already getting into the upper 70's to low 80's (lows are...
  3. SadisticPeppers

    SadisticPeppers 2025 Glog

    I plan on restarting small. I ordered Chocolate Reaper seeds from Matt's Peppers (ETA Tuesday 2/14) and will be using my patio to grow the plants. I measured it out, and with the 5-gallon Home Depot buckets from my previous venture, I should have space for 24 on the balcony, using drip...
  4. SadisticPeppers

    tv White Lotus

    Is anyone else a fan of The White Lotus on HBO/Max? I've been a fan of The White Lotus since the first season. I'm eagerly awaiting the third season coming later this month.
  5. SadisticPeppers

    Updating signature

    Either I'm going blind or the CO affected me worse than I thought... I've been looking for two days and I can't seem to find anywhere that lets me edit/update my signature on here.
  6. SadisticPeppers

    business-legal Selling powders at a retail store

    Recently, I stopped in to a small mom & pop store near me that sells a wide assortment of teas, seasoned salts, powdered spices, and other items. They did have ghost pepper infused salts, but no superhot powders, at least nothing hotter than habanero. When I spoke to the gentleman who ran the...
  7. SadisticPeppers

    container-growing Growing on balcony

    My townhouse has a south-facing balcony that gets sun the entire day, and I'll have room for ~20 plants or so if I use 5-gallon Home Depot buckets. Does anyone have any experience growing their plants on a balcony? I'm looking to use a drip system to water and fertilize the plants on a timer...
  8. SadisticPeppers

    off-topic Hell of a year

    Abject apologizings for not being on the last year. The last 12 months have been tough, but I'm gonna try to be back on here more often. In two weeks, it will be exactly 1 year since I nearly died of acute carbon monoxide poisoning. I can't go into detail due to ongoing litigation, but suffice...
  9. SadisticPeppers

    seeds-germination First Grow of 2024

    First off, apologies for not being on the last few months, things got more than a little hectic, largely due to things that were out of my control. Busted AC, several large & unexpected bills, and a few other issues that required my attention, you get the idea. Anyhow, I'm back, and I got ~200...
  10. SadisticPeppers

    seeds-germination pepperlover still around?

    My first tray since returning was a bust, I'm guessing the seeds were just too old and no longer viable (they were more than 4 years old, but I figured I'd at least try them) I went onto, since she was always my go-to back in the day and tried to buy some packs of seeds but...
  11. SadisticPeppers

    I'm ba-ack!

    It's certainly been a while, but I'm back! I'm Paul, aka, SadisticPeppers, I was on the forum here for a while some years back, growing, selling, and trading talk about peppers, and I decided do resurrect my growing a bit with some Scorpion peppers seeds I started this afternoon on my balcony...
  12. SadisticPeppers

    Advertising and site redesign and SEO's, oh my!

    I pulled the trigger today on getting my cypersecurity website redesigned. I had slapped something together (link) a few months ago on my own, but I figured since I'm running it as an official business, I better hire someone to make it look siginficantly more professional than my (admittedly...
  13. SadisticPeppers

    Guess who's back... back again...

    Hey all, I'm back.   Needless to say, a lot's happened the last few months. I've put my pepper growing on hold for the forseeable future for a lot of reasons. One thing that happened is that I may be in line for a promotion. My boss is retiring, and I'm one of four people in the department...
  14. SadisticPeppers

    Could be feeling better...

    I've been debating whether or not to post something about this on here for a couple weeks now, since I'm not big on sharing personal health struggles, but I figured it's as good a time as any. I haven't been feeling 100% for a few months now. Pursuing the job promotion helped me take my mind off...
  15. SadisticPeppers

    I'm (sorta) back

    Hey all,   I've been quiet the last few months, and for good reason. I've been in the hunt for a major promotion at work, one of those that comes by once or twice in a career. I made it to the final stage of the interview process, and my in-person interview is the day after Columbus Day at their...
  16. SadisticPeppers

    ***SOLD OUT*** 10 SFRB of Mixed Superhots

    Small Flat Rate Box (SFRB) of Mixed superhot peppers. $16, shipping included. Each box will have a random mix of:   * Red TS Moruga * Yellow TS Moruga * Red F1 Moruga/Bhut Cross * Chocolate Bhut  * White Bhut  * Red Jonah * Red Douglah  * Chocolate Douglah  * Red Brain Strain * Yellow Brain...
  17. SadisticPeppers

    ***SOLD*** Three SFRB's Mixed Superhots

    I have three SFRB's of Superhots ready to head out the door today. In the boxes will be the following:   Red Moruga Yellow Moruga F1 Red Bhut x Moruga Cross Yellow Brain Strain Chocolate Bhut Chocolate Jonah   To order them, click on the following link and you can pay via Paypal or Credit...
  18. SadisticPeppers

    SFRB mixed Superhots - Sold

    My plants seemed to have recovered a bit, and I have enough for a single SFRB of mixed superhots. The peppers in the box will consist of: red moruga red F1 moruga x bhut cross yellow moruga chocolate moruga red butch t red douglah chocolate douglah First come first serve, and will be shipped...
  19. SadisticPeppers

    Mixed Box SFRB #2 - Sold!

    Got another SFRB of Mixed Superhots available. $16 shipped anywhere in the US. The box will contain Chocolate Douglah, Red Jonah, Red Bhut, and red & yellow Moruga peppers.   Click the following link to...
  20. SadisticPeppers

    My first mixed SFRB - Sold!

    Looks like my first batch of peppers in my backyard, so I'm offering the THP crew my first mixed SFRB of peppers. It'll consist of yellow and red TS Morugas, red 7Pot Jonah, chocolate 7Pot Douglah, and red & white Bhuts. $16 to anywhere in the US. Click on the following link to place your order...