Search results

  1. SanPatricio

    Can the glass actually make beer taste better?

    It always seemed to for me -- but after the second one it doesn't make much difference anymore ......  :beer:  :beer:.......           
  2. SanPatricio

    food Recipes that make me DROOL !

    Just looking at pictures of these recipes ... :eek:   gives me problems ....  :think:  Which ones to make first   :?:  :?: ....                                              " The Killer B "     Which are your favorites ? ?
  3. SanPatricio

    Happy Paddy's Day on the way

  4. SanPatricio

    New Guinness record set (or) 'No good deed goes unpunished'

    BREAKING a Guinness world record, then getting BUSTED ! IT'S GREAT BEING IRISH !
  5. SanPatricio

    hot-sauce Warning ! --- Do Not Try This Sauce ---

    Rhys Ifans vs. The Voodoo Mama · Category Comedy · License Standard YouTube License Uploaded on Oct 10, 2010 This laugh out loud comedy is a battle of the sexes at a ghetto bus stop, where a Voodoo Mama (Bilonda Mfunyi) destroys the family jewels of a sexual bully (Rhys...
  6. SanPatricio

    Seed Offer

    Seeds to share Bhut Jolokia - brown Bhut Jolokia - red Bhut Jolokia - red giant Black Cobra Caribbean Red Habanero Chilly Chili Cow Horn Cubanelle Cumari do Para -...
  7. SanPatricio

    sharre-a-recipe A unique Guacamole recipe !

    I'm having a problem locating some of the ingredients. :doh: :shh:
  8. SanPatricio


    Happy 237th Birthday Jarheads !
  9. SanPatricio

    food Chile Pepper Gallery -- Saveur Magazine

  10. SanPatricio

    The Story of Planet Earth in two minutes

    Just wanted to share a fine piece of video from France --
  11. SanPatricio

    Purple Ornamental I.D. ? ?

    I ordered 'Color Guard" seeds, but these grew. Help please? I am very pleased with the pepper but can not find an ID for the variety. The first few sets of true leaves were almost black in color. The blooms open solid deep purple early in the AM, lighten in depth of shade during the day and...
  12. SanPatricio

    Growing Peppers and Blueberry plants on my deck

    I am growing in containers on my deck for protection from our fearless deer. Total success on the deer BUT..... Now that the berrys are ripe and the pepper pods are showing color, the squirrels are all over them. It is illegal to shoot in our city (even with a pellet rifle!) so I am looking for...
  13. SanPatricio

    Burpee 'Sweet Heat Hybrid'

    Looking for opinions on 'Sweet Heat Hybrid' I obtained plants as a Lowe's garden center clearance. They were small plants I could easily add to my container grow.The plant promo info. Is interesting...
  14. SanPatricio

    TEXTING CODES FOR US -('the geezers')

    TEXTING CODES Teens have established their texting codes (LOL, OMG, TTYL, etc.). Finally, we - the long-suffering seniors have set up our own texting codes! Texting for Seniors: ATD - At the Doctor's BFF - Best Friend's Funeral BTW - Bring the Wheelchair BYOT - Bring your own teeth CBM -...
  15. SanPatricio

    Senior Citizen needs some help!

    I mixed up my labels when I transplanted my seedlings. My plants are in bud and ready to put out pods, I will need your help to ID my plants if I can remember where I put my camera. Anyway, here is my new Theme Song. Are there any other seniors that can relate...
  16. SanPatricio

    New member shout from Concord, NC !

    I'm a new member but an OLD (emphasis on old) hot pepper lover. Have not grown peppers for some years but this year want to experiment with a few 5 gal. buckets on our elevated deck. I've had success with blueberries in containers on the deck. I am open to any and all suggestions but am aware...