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  1. JoynersHotPeppers

    food Joyner's 2022 Food Journey

    I'll drop by from time to time and share my gluttony with your peeps. Healthy shrimp and arugula salad before a pan of homemade heaven... And dessert
  2. JoynersHotPeppers

    Hot Pepper Powders - Gift Ideas

    Perfect stocking gifts
  3. JoynersHotPeppers

    food Green Shrimp Curry over Zucchini

    Tonight's dinner, teaser of the noodles. I'll post real photos tomorrow probably...this is iPhone  
  4. JoynersHotPeppers

    food Scallop Ceviche

    So these scallops were shucked on Thursday and today this two pounds finds itself in ceviche...not what I had mine mind but change is good!    
  5. JoynersHotPeppers

    Chile de árbol seeds

    Anyone have some they can spare an old man? 
  6. JoynersHotPeppers

    IT - Official Teaser Trailer
  7. JoynersHotPeppers

    Joyner's Limited 15 Blend Pecan Smoked

    Hello All,   I did a limited run on our 15 blend and wanted to showcase and sell it here. The pods range from habanero/scotch bonnet level up to Carolina Reaper. The mix was smoked over pecan wood under very low temperature allowing the pods to mostly retain their color. They were then dried and...
  8. JoynersHotPeppers

    Joyner's 2017 Guess 1st Sprout Contest

    Sorry this is for Estados Unidos only.   Simple   Guess the first plant to sprout and win!     One guess per person, no duplicates and simply reply # and the number.     What do you win??????????????????   How about a few thousand seeds that covers about 100+ types of peppers? I will never grow...
  9. JoynersHotPeppers

    food Joyner's 2017 New Year's Day cook

    So trying to keep a few traditions alive that I grew up on as did my parents and theirs and so on....   Of course my spin or take on many of the dishes usually involves heat of some type.   Black eyed peas soaked over night with a ham hock in the water     Onions, garlic, jalapenos and spices...
  10. JoynersHotPeppers

    R.I.P. Carrie Fisher
  11. JoynersHotPeppers

    food PRIME Rib Roast, twice baked potatoes and green beans

    Honoring Wreaths Across America request to set an extra place at our table to remember those that cannot be at their family's dinner table tonight either due to active Service, or because they have paid the ultimate price and can only be there in Spirit. Hope all enjoyed the day with all its...
  12. JoynersHotPeppers

    food Sausage Making - Sausage Party!

    Yesterday a friend an I processed 70+ pounds of meat and made 7 blends of sausage.    Polish Kielbasa - Venison/Hog Mix - Smoked Andouille - Venison/Hog Mix - Smoked Mild Hot Italian - All Hog Hot Italian - Venison/Hog Mix Breakfast - All Hog Morning Edge - Venison/Hog Mix Maple - All Hog  ...
  13. JoynersHotPeppers

    Joyner's 2017 Minimalist Pepper Party

    Today while most decorate for Christmas, we are getting mulch dumped :)  
  14. JoynersHotPeppers

    food Blackened Grouper with beans and beans - To butter or Oil?

    Making up some blackening seasoning...      
  15. JoynersHotPeppers

    food Thai Coconut Curry with North Carolina Shrimp over Basmati Rice

    Making a quick curry for tonight...    
  16. JoynersHotPeppers

    Happy Birthday grantmichaels

    Happy birthday Grant!     Hope you have something good to cook and drink today.   :drunk:  :bday:
  17. JoynersHotPeppers

    grilling WEBER Grilling Thread

    We will discuss food and ish up in here...maybe a picture even   
  18. JoynersHotPeppers

    smoking Joyner's 2016 BBQ party for the hood!

    Will post pictures at a later time but for now know that it is going down rain or shine!     Piss off, get in your own thread...nothing to see here     A few of the drinks that are available as an option.    
  19. JoynersHotPeppers

    event Joyner's Guess the 1st Sprout Contest - Free Powder - WINNER - mpicante

    Sorry, this contest will only be for the United States   Contest is simple: Guess the number of the first variety to sprout and you will win 1 ounce of pecan smoked super hot powder.   Example: #5   One guess per person, no edits and only one guess per number!     Have fun and start guessing!