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  1. canis

    health Light spots on leaves

    Today, a few leaves in one of my plants started to show these spots. Couldn´t find similar patterns brwsing the forum. Anyone know what could this be?     Thx in advance!
  2. canis

    pests Bug ID

    Been strugling with aphids for a few weeks and, on top of that, today I´ve noticed these tiny things. They are extremly small (less than 1mm long) and only noticeable against a dark background. I´ve pinched lots of leaves just in case but not sure what they are as this is the first time I´ve...
  3. canis

    plant Purple flowers

    Hi, my wife bought these at our local china town, and was told they were edible. They look ornamental to me but I know zip as far as pepper id goes and wanted to make sure before trying them out. The pods are an inch long, give or take. Any help will be much appreciated. Regards!
  4. canis

    seeds Seedlings and birds

    The darn pidgeons have kidnaped a couple of my seedlings and I wouldn´t count on them asking for any ransom. As I can´t grow them inside and rather not start shooting animals, I wanted to ask if there´s any home remedy for this. Something I could spray on my babies for the...
  5. canis

    White flying micro triangles

    These tiny ETs have appeared on my peppers and tomatoes yesterday. They are extremely small (the 2nd pic shows one next to a ballpen tip). I can only see them against dark leaves due to their size and look like bright white specks of dust with a triangular shape flying around. A few small leaves...
  6. canis

    Hola from Argentina

    Hi everybody. After several months of thorough reading I decided to sign up. I´m a first time grower and live in Argentina, which means I´m in the middle of the sowing season, woot! Couple years ago I discovered this awesome world of hotties, till then all i´ve ever heard of...