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White flying micro triangles

These tiny ETs have appeared on my peppers and tomatoes yesterday. They are extremely small (the 2nd pic shows one next to a ballpen tip). I can only see them against dark leaves due to their size and look like bright white specks of dust with a triangular shape flying around. A few small leaves have wilted since I spotted them and was wondering if there was any relation and reason to worry about. I apologize for the quality of the images but didn´t have much time to spend and it´s extremely difficult to get it on focus at that size. From what I was able to research online, it looks like white flies, but so much smaller, so I don´t really know. Any guidance will be much appreciated!

Im not shure what they are but if it was me i would treat my plants for white flys and keep reaserching pictures arent too bad they show how small these things really are,
Firstly, excellent micro-photos. Tiny little creeps. I've not seen photos of whiteflies but what you describe and the aftermath they leave behind makes me think that is what they are. I had a few plants infested earlier this year. I agree, treat for whitefly.

Just as bad, these things carry broad mites around with them. The broad mites are just as bad, if not worse, for your plants as the whiteflies.
They are whiteflies...


That is the White fly for sure.

Don't use pesticides !! You need to slow down the life cycle. Poisons only kill the adults and all the natural predators.
New white flies hatch constantly. Their body and eggs are covered with a wax like layer. Natural soap solutions drenched on the plants and soil help
to cut the population..You have to be sure to get all of the underside of the leaf! Repeat daily.

Ah, was afraid they would be the infamous buggers. Thx guys will be doing the soap thing for the next few days. Glad I asked before it was too late.
So many replies in less than 40 mins, this forum is just great.
A Gallon of water 1 TBSP of Neem or Cedar oil and 1 TBSP of dog Flea and Tick shampoo will solve your problem. Mix it up put in a spray bottle then spray every 3-5 days for a couple weeks then once a week after.
Also, a lot of garden shops sell yellow sticky paper. The flies are drawn to the yellow color and get stuck. This too will help drop the population. The flea and tick shampoo mentioned by Prehensile has Permethrin as the active ingredient, IIRC.