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  1. koskorgul

    I am back

    It has been a few years since I posted in here. I think 2014 was the last time, not sure, but either way, I am back. Had some issues on my end with alcohol and some operations but all is good now. Been sober and healed up from the operations so am now ready to start getting serious again with...
  2. koskorgul

    A big thank you to PaulG

    I wanted to give a public thank you to PaulG.  I had posted a thread about losing all of my peppers this year because my freezer got unplugged somehow. He sent me a box of dried peppers out of the kindness of his heart. I didnt ask, he offered the peppers and even covered the shipping.    So to...
  3. koskorgul

    Koskorgul - 2014 Grow list and Glog

    Decided to create a new glog instead of adding onto the one from last year.   Started my seed germination and setup my lights over the weekend.   Grow list for this year   Yellow Scorpion Fatalli CRH ?? - It is a cross between a CRH and a Ghost ( I think ) Very large pods, lotsa flavor and heat...
  4. koskorgul

    Looking for some seeds

    Hey all I am looking for some Carolina Reaper and Fatali Jigsaw seeds for my grow this year. Anyone have any to spare? I can trade or buy, not sure what seeds I have right now but can get a list together.   Thanks in advance Rob
  5. koskorgul

    Its a sad sad day

    So after a very bountiful growing season I had packed my freezer full of peppers. Had so many that I had to store some in a 2nd freezer. Everything from Yellow Scorpions, Red, Yellow and Choc Bhuts. Yellow 7 pots, Carribean Red Habs. Freezer was so full that I could barely close the lid. Well, I...
  6. koskorgul

    food Pulled pork and home made BBQ

    Decided to try my hand at home made BBQ sauce and pulled pork. Took about an 8 -9 lb pork shoulder and added a dryrub to it. Seared it off in a pan and put in a crockpot on the low setting.   For the BBQ sauce I made my own and developed this recipe on the fly. 3 med sized turnips 3 table spoons...
  7. koskorgul

    wanted looking for scorpion pods

    Looking for a SFRB of Scorpion pods. Shoot me a PM with a price and paypal if you have any you can spare
  8. koskorgul

    Pablano Seeds...need any?

    Just cut up about 5 Pablano peppers lastnight and saved the seeds. If you want any all you will need is a SASBE. Shoot me a PM
  9. koskorgul

    I think the weathermen are smoking crack

    So at the beginning of the week I checked and they showed that the temps for yesterday, today and tomorrow are supposed to be in the low to mid 70's. I checked again each day before leaving for work, just to make sure that they didnt change. This morning I get up and they temps in...
  10. koskorgul

    Over night temps

    So just checked the weather and it is supposed to be low of 52 tonight 59, 57, 61 for the following 3 nights. Then a low of 50 for friday night Highs for thos days will be in the low to mid 70's My question is, will the lows for the night be an issue? I was thinking of my plants out tomorrow...
  11. koskorgul

    Warm temps ahead

    For those of use that have been experiencing colder than normal temps, relief is on the way. Hopefully the warmer temps come in and stay here. Want to get this growing season into full swing. Has been too cold to do anything much outside...
  12. koskorgul

    Thai Fire

    So I planted about 6 Thai fires in a single pot, they all germinated and have gotten their first set of true leaves on them. I noticed on one of them the cotyledon is starting to turn purple on the edges. I plan on taking them out and seperating them into their own pots in the next day or so. Is...
  13. koskorgul

    Is 45 too cold

    Supposed to get up to 45 here tomorrow with sunshine. Was thinking of putting my plants out for a few hrs to soak up some sun. Is 45 too cold to have them out for a few hrs?
  14. koskorgul

    food Pineapple - Carib Red Hab beef jerky

    So over the weekend the local grocery store was running a buy one get one free sale on roasts. Deciced to pick up 4 of them and use one for beef jerky. I had it sliced up and stared the marinade for it. Not sure of the exact measurements but it had Soy sauce Worchestershire sauce garlic power...
  15. koskorgul

    Feeling like a proud parent, a show of hands

    So who here feels like a proud parent when your seeds turn to seedlings, then plants and then producers? Watching your little guys grow to adults and have offspring of their own? yes, that is my hand raised. I check on em every day sometime 2 or 3 times. Get excited when i see a new leaf...
  16. koskorgul

    DInner tonight

    Had some Johnsonville Chili Cheese smoke sausagetonight for dinner, Very tasty but had to add some extra shredded cheese along with a chili hot sauce I make, Damn was that good. Nice flavor from the sausage and chili hot sauce. Gave a nice burn after you swallowed \MMMMMM MMMMM Glad we have...
  17. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    So this is my first year growing hot peppers, sure I had grown some Jalapeno (2) and Cayanne (1) last year but this year is diff. I had bought those plants at the store when they were buy 1 get 2 free deal. They were already about 2 ft tall and were producing peppers. The only knowledge I needed...
  18. koskorgul

    THP has me quite upset

    So no one here said anything about how addictive growing pepper would be LOL. /sarcasim This is my first year growing peppers, started about 40 plants or so the other week. So what do I do, Plant another 5 varities, another 9 pots last night, thanks guys and gals So far this year I have...
  19. koskorgul

    show-off When should I put into pots (pics added)

    I started about 16 plants a week or so ago in the little Jiffy peat pucks you can buy at walmart. 14 of them have sprouted and are touching the top of the container. When should I take them out and put them in regular pots? I have the peat soil that helps promote root growth and also some...
  20. koskorgul


    So I got a call from my son that lives in NC. He ran an idea by his boss for superbowl sunday where if you can eat 13 scorpian hot wings you get them free. He asked if I could supply the sauce. After talking with him I came up with something that will ensure that they get those that try and some...