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  1. calchilihead

    cachilihead's -=Meat Coma=- FLOG

    Instead of multiple threads I figured I start one for my foodie escapades.  So its 108 outside right now so I wanted something simple and quick to not heat up the house.  Dug through the kitchen and ended up with a:   Garlic, Parsley, Boars Head Genoa Salami, Colby Jack, and Sriracha on...
  2. calchilihead

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    To celebrate my move to my new house, and to reward the people who helped me lug all my shit there I am doing a smoke this weekend.  So was cruising Costco before i hit the butcher and sure enough they had packer briskets ... and absolutely mammoth ones in stock.  Picked one up and will be...
  3. calchilihead

    -==-==- Adventures in meatgrinding with Cachilihead - Know whats in your meat -==-==-

    I am starting this thread because of the present I bought myself for christmas.  An STX Megaforce aircooled meat grinder with #12 sized head.  It came with 3 grinding plates, 3 blades, a beaner plate for stuffing sausages, a few different sized sausage stuffing tubes and a Kebbe attachment...
  4. calchilihead

    smoking Curry Pulled Pork on the Big Green Egg

    Well as TGCM said there hasnt been many smoke threads so I figured id put mine out there:   2 pork shoulders, one 10lb and the other 8.5lb, homemade dry rub with brown sugar, turmeric, red curry powder, pepper, cumin, himi salt, onion powder and garlic.       Cooked with lump charcoal using...
  5. calchilihead

    My day at work today (if you like cloud tech)

    For any tech dude types.  My team an I are onsite architecting and building a private Cloud for a customer showcase:   18 racks, 700 servers, 1400 sockets, 16800 cores, 360TB or ram, 8 petabytes of storage 40gig fabric with full BGP mesh, 12 Spine switches, 36 leaf switches and VTEP Gateways:  ...
  6. calchilihead

    hot-sauce DeeRoo's Wang Thang, Rocket Sauce and Old Bones

    Got my DeeRoo sauces today.  Thanks a bunch SmokenFire.     He has top notch customer service, gave me a taste of some of his PowPow, and had a personal note written in the box.  That is quality salemanship right there.   Wang Thang - A very awesome tangy sauce.  I can see why he recommends it...
  7. calchilihead

    A little Friday humor

  8. calchilihead

    Is this why JayT quit?

  9. calchilihead

    SmokeCanyon - Smoke Roasted Jalapeno Suace

    So I went on another buying spree recently, adding to my collections.  On the recommendation of some members I ordered from and got the Smoke Roasted Jalapeno Sauce.     I ordered I think on Tuesday evening and the package showed up today.  So fast turn around time.  Always...
  10. calchilihead

    Oldie but a goodie for Friday - Blundercats
  11. calchilihead

    Decide who I buy from next

    Hey Guys, Looking at getting a couple more hot sauces and powders.  Time to branch out.  RIght now I mainly by PexPeppers, High River and Lucky Dog hot sauces.  So I want to branch out into other vendors on the forum.  So the question.  Who do I try next and what sauces and powders should I...
  12. calchilihead

    If meat eaters acted like vegans......
  13. calchilihead

    Any good recommendation on prefab'ed hydro setups for say 12 -18 pots?

    As the title states.  Been working with TXCG and want to test hyrdo before the end of my long grow season.  Dont have enough time to build a system so looking at any proven prefabbed. Thanks!
  14. calchilihead

    Any mustang owners in here?

    As my nickname shows been big into mustangs.  Currently have two, one 1984 SVO race car (American  Iron series) and  a 2013 Mustang GT.  Any other pepper loving speed addicts ?
  15. calchilihead

    smoking Who all is BBQ'in this weekend?

    Weather is great here in California.  Doing to thing this weekend.  Bacon and onion wrapped habanero, aji and mozzerlla stuff lamb meatballs are going on the smoker along with two pork butts (20lbs) gonna go down:    
  16. calchilihead

    Fiveohmike's 2016 Grow log

    Well at the poking and prodding of some folks here, I am doing my first grow log.    This will be me, out of sheer laziness, moving away from grow beds and starting from seeds, to moving to pure use of grow pouches. A mixture of 7 gallon and 5 gallon pots.  I am moving the old soil from the...
  17. calchilihead

    Effin Squirrels....needs some advice

    Hey Guys, how the heck do you deal with squirrels.  i have had tomatoes stolen each of the past 3 nights.  I put up bird netting over them, and staked the bird netting into the ground, yet more were missing and even left one in front of my back door >.<   How do you guys deal with your Squirrel...
  18. calchilihead

    How large do Orange Hab's get?

    Take a look at this guy.  It doubled in size the past two days and made me question weather it was a Habanero or not.  My closed fist is not much bigger then this pod:   Question is, how big can they get?  
  19. calchilihead

    Thoughts on plant issues

    Hey Guys,   I put some new seedlings outside, hardened them off and planted.  However they still do not look good.  This is Organic premium potting mix in pots and smartpots and/or seedling cups.  Most of the seedlings have never been fed nuts other then what is in the potting mix.  I have been...
  20. calchilihead

    Bell Pepper/Habanero/Tomato issues - pic included

    Hey Guys,   Over the last couple of days I noticed this on 3 of my tomato plants, 1 bell pepper, and 1 habanero - These plans were overwatered early in their life but has since been corrected.  They are in raised beds with Kellog Premium Potting mix + Kellog Garden soil. The only ferts were...