Search results

  1. rebelgrower3

    2 SFRB mixed super hots.

    I have 2 SFRB of mixed super hot pepper ready to pick and ship. 15.80 per box. Billy Boy Douglah Infinagas Infinity Primos Madballz Mustard Habaneros
  2. rebelgrower3

    Pepper powder FS

    I have the following powders for sale $5 for 1/2 oz shipped. Conus only 2x mesquite smoked red mix (primos and brainstrain) 2× brown mix (black nagas and chocolate scorpion) 2× yellow mix (ghost and fatalli) 3× red mix (ghost primo and fatalli)
  3. rebelgrower3

    SFRB mixed super hots

    I have enough peppers to fill one maybe 2 SFRB of mixed peppers. They will include Trinidad Moruga brown Infinaga yellow Infinity and Madballz. Asking $18 shipped.CONUS only
  4. rebelgrower3

    150 watt hps

    Will a hps light work for seedlings?
  5. rebelgrower3

    Which would you choose?

    I'm getting ready to buy some bloom fertilizer and can't decide which one so like the title says which one and why would you choose a 4-18-38 or 5-15-14 ?
  6. rebelgrower3

    Jays Chocolate Ghost Scorpion seeds

    Looking for Jays Chocolate Ghost Scorpion seeds. If anyone has any let me know i have alot i can trade for them.
  7. rebelgrower3

    Too hot?

    I had my seeds in paper towels in zip lock bags on a heat mat set at 88° somehow it got turned up and the bags were at 112° for about 12 hrs did it fry my seeds?
  8. rebelgrower3

    pests Bug ID

    What are these they are everywhere in my greenhouse?
  9. rebelgrower3


    I know i know these are rare as hens teeth but just by chance anyone has any please contact me via private message and maybe we can work something out.
  10. rebelgrower3

    Sulphur burner

    Has anyone ever used a sulphur burner for aphids or have any thoughts on it. I have them in my greenhouse and thought about trying one or two.
  11. rebelgrower3

    Orange Blob

    I'm looking for Orange Blob and Yaki Blue seeds. I have a pretty good selection to trade.
  12. rebelgrower3

    trade SFRB trade?

    I have some Chocolate Habaneros Bhut Jolokia and Butch T peppers and want to trade box for box of something different. I'll even throw in a few Dorset Nagas. Let me know what you have if anything. Or I'll sell this box and buy one from someone. Either way.
  13. rebelgrower3


    What is a good humidity level for an indoor grow room? Right now in my tent the humidity level is 27% and I'm thinking this is affecting my flowers. I'm having a lot of flowers dropping and not setting pods. The temps are around 80° so i don't think it's temp related. Any input would be appreciated.
  14. rebelgrower3

    wanted Looking for seeds

    I've been doing some searching for next year's crop and looking for Whippet Tail pepper seeds. If anyone has any let me know and maybe we can trade.
  15. rebelgrower3

    Chile de Onzo and Matchu Pichu

    Does anyone have any information on these varieties?
  16. rebelgrower3

    Ultra Hot Rebel-Mega Grow 13-14

    Im helping my buddy Jon aka megahot out and growing some plants for him and wanted to start a glog which i will update atleast once a week. These popped up on 10-24 and are in coco at the moment being watered with Liquid Karma. I am growing Bubblegum7,Borg9,Yellow Infinaga F5,Yellow Billy Boy...
  17. rebelgrower3

    free Free seeds w/sasbe Closed

    I have some Ice Scream seeds from off pods. These don't look true to what Butch is calling the true Ice Scream. I have enough to fill 5 spots US only and all sasbe rules apply.
  18. rebelgrower3

    free Free Butch T seeds w/sasbe

    I have enough to fill 6 spots so post I'm in and pm me for the address. US only and all sasbe rules apply.
  19. rebelgrower3

    free Free Primo seeds w/sasbe

    I have enough seeds to do 6 spots. US only and all sasbe rules apply. These were from some very nice true Primo pods with nice tails but are OP. Post I'm in here and pm me for the address. I may have more but the first 6 people get these.
  20. rebelgrower3

    watering Tap water conditioner?

    I read somewhere I can use this stuff to remove chlorine from my tap water. The bottle says it removes chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals. I'm wandering if it will affect the nutrients in any way?