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  1. S

    new growth all flop-wonky

    I had this weird problem start on one plant about 3 weeks ago, and now its spreading to the others.  Temps dropped a bit low a few times but im in FL so...well..ya know.  I'm posting double links for each picture because I have no clue how to do this lol.  The second picture shows the underside...
  2. S

    whiteflies...I HATE EM!!!!!!!

    Any tips out there for controlling these winged bastards in humid and sunny Florida? I'm thinking about trying Encarsia, I've burned the heck out of my babies with neem oil so I need something gentle
  3. S

    sounds weird but...

    2 tablespoons almond butter mixed with 1-1.5 teaspoons sriracha, slather that stuff on a banana and have yourself a weird yet tasty breakfast.
  4. S

    supreme growers BLASTING

    So I just received my seeds today from (fresno, Guatemalan jalapeno, kung pao, mulato isleno) and I also got the 4 step supreme growers blast stuffs.  When it comes time to move the little fellas into the ground I'm going to use SG's myco blast, soil blast, sweet myco tea, and kelp...
  5. S


    As my first post on this lovely site, can I get a round of applause for the mighty power off poop? Black hen (no composting required), worm, goat, rabbit, horse (my favorite) all grow plants better than any fertilizer I've seen out there. Thank you doo doo