Search results

  1. rghm1u20

    issue Yellow leaves

    Hello, I have an issue on my pepper plants, I suppose is a deficiency, but don't want to suggest an answer, so please help me with an advice. The plant in the pictures is a Ciliatum, but I have the same with a Lanceolatum. Thanks in advance for any input.
  2. rghm1u20


    Happy and blessed new year to all of you! Me back. After few years of missing all good people around here. I hope you all good.
  3. rghm1u20

    seed-plant-vendors Simply African Seed Company

    Looking for a pepper I am hunting for few years already - the Kambuzi, cultivated in Malawi, after some fails, I have found a guy having these seeds. Probably not best choice for some here, remembering some posts about facebook (ya, man facebook...), I am also not a fan and not spending much...
  4. rghm1u20

    seed-plant-vendors Cheela's chili seeds - Belgium

    Looking for a specific seeds, I have stumbled upon a never seen before site, named Cheela's chili seeds ( Not advertising, just put an order, now waiting for seeds. At first there was an issue with my order. I have contacted them, and got very fast an answer...
  5. rghm1u20

    Spreading the heat

    I want to share some seeds from my 2019 harvest. Here's the deal: -worldwide available -I am always sending bubble envelope with tracking number, but since this is not an exchange or seeds sent to one or two persons, the costs will be pretty high, this is why I would like to ask the US members...
  6. rghm1u20

    rghm kind of glog

    At first I have to say I never kept a proper log... kinda failed every time. So, don't expect too much from this one :) Not a very professional one, as some I saw here.     Now a list, random order:   Some wilds, thanks to wiriwiri: Guatemalan CAP501 Eximium Cumari Pollux Lanceolatum Cumari do...
  7. rghm1u20

    Never seen pepper

    Hello,   I found this pepper in a small box with a mix of hot peppers I bought at a supermarket.Sorry, no plant, no flowers...  Very interesting tail though...
  8. rghm1u20

    wanted Nhu's pepper seeds wanted

    Looking for some Nhu's pepper seeds, if any available. I found this topic . Nice story, nice pepper, I'd say. And I want to give it a try, if I can get some. Warning: I am from Europe. But I suppose is not so expensive to send a regular...
  9. rghm1u20

    Leaves very strange "design"

    Hi there, anybody seen this before? Did some research, but didn't found any reason for this.      
  10. rghm1u20

    Leaves discoloring

    This plant looks strange, the leaves are having this color, and I don't know why. The coty looks green, but the leaves are growing like this. Any idea what could be? There are another 3-4 plants with this look, but most of them are normal. The soil mix was made for a larger number of plants...
  11. rghm1u20

    rghm 2017 glog

    Yes, it is right, 2017.  Why 2017? Because I want to be the first to start the 2017 glog! Any prize??? Joking! :)   In fact I want to have an earlier start, and try to cut back my grow. To work a bit to my addiction. Probably 2016 will be the same as 2014 and 2015, with a large (TOO LARGE)...
  12. rghm1u20

    rghm1u20 glog 2016

    After an epic fail with my 2015 glog, I hope the 2016 glog will be more... glog.   EDIT: seeds sprouted till Jan.,15,2016 - see below in red   First seeds to hit the wet towel on Jan.,09, were these:   annuum chile de agua   ***   florela 2015   5/6 chile de agua   ***   smokemaster chile piquin...
  13. rghm1u20


    I found no dedicated topic to this vendor, so I started now one. There are some ratings in other topics, most of them general topics about European vendors, but not a dedicated one.   Mike (Smokemaster) lured me to the Aji Finlandia, and me, confirming again my fears about my mental...
  14. rghm1u20

    rghm1u20 growing season - 2015 - Phoenix

    I'm back on bussines again! Started my first load of seeds on Jan.,29,2015. Why Phoenix? Because (probably) no one of my 2014 peppers will be in my 2015 list (old story, lack of space....), and my 2015 is a new, reborn list.   No pictures so far (another old story, lazy to upload to photobucket...
  15. rghm1u20

    Giveaway - only Europe CLOSED

    Thanks to ajijoe who shared the seeds in a giveaway, and thanks to Tom (Kentishman) who took care of delivering seeds to me, there are some seeds waiting for a new home:   - Mustard Bhut Jolokia  3 bags x 9 seeds each   - Mustard Lightning Habanero  1 bag x 7 seeds   - Moruga Red Trinidad...
  16. rghm1u20

    Is this a 7 Pot? If yes, what kind?

    I suppose it is, and probably a Brain Strain, but not sure, is my first 7 Pot ever. Thank you.      
  17. rghm1u20

    Confirmation needed

    From left to right they are supposed to be: brown habanero, golden habanero, aji jamaiquinho.         See how juicy is!
  18. rghm1u20

    Labeled as Toluco roze -what is this?

    I bought these in a supermarket, they are labeled as Toluco roze, but can't find this name. Please help me identify them. Thank you. The coin is same size as 1 euro coin.  
  19. rghm1u20

    Wrong labeled, or what?

    I got the seeds labeled as Lombok pepper, but as I see on the net, the Lombok looks bigger, different. I found a single picture looking like these, where they were named Wild Lombok. So, what they are, in fact???  
  20. rghm1u20

    Unknown hot pepper.

    Could anybody enlighten me and tell me what pepper is this? Sorry, not all the pictures are best quality...      