This year I put in two 55 gallon rain barrels to harvest rain water. I am planning on connecting a drip irrigation setup of some sort. Does anyone have any experience with this type of setup? Here's my shopping list so far:
Filter - to catch anything in rain barrels
Vacuum breaker - to avoid...
Hello everyone,
I wanted to see if anyone has any experience using shade cloths with Pubescens. I know they prefer cooler temps. Does anyone have any suggestions on what color and/or percentage would be good for Central Ohio (Zone 6a)?
Sorry for the lack of updates. Had a pretty busy weekend prepping my fabric pots. I'm trying a few different mixes to see what works the best:
Mix 1
4 parts coir
5 parts Zoo Brew compost from Price Farms Organics
1 40 lb bag of composted cow manure
2 parts perlite
Mix 2
4 parts Pro-Mix HP
I was worried I may have overfertilized so I have done a couple good flushes. For the most part it appears to be isolated to one variety of seeds that I saved from last year. I considering just giving up on this variety from this seed stock as they don't look healthy at all.
I wanted to get everyone's opinion on what this is:
I've got a few plants that are showing similar brown spots. Any help or input is appreciated in advance. Thanks!
Yea the Bonda Ma Jacques was a freebie from PepperLover. I actually got incredibly lucky this year with my freebies. It seemed like the majority of my freebies were varieties that I was interested in growing at some point but I was trying to keep my grow list under control and limit myself. The...
Thanks guys! This year I tried to focus more on a balance of heat and flavor. Most of my full grow list I've tried or I have tried parents of the cross and enjoyed them. I made the mistake of going in blind last year and found that I ended up with some plants of peppers that I didn't...
2016 growing season is officially underway! I started my chinense & pubescens seeds tonight in an overnight peroxide soak. Using this mixture that I found from searching the THP threads. Here are the varieties that I started tonight and the seed stock source.
Variety - Source
7 Pot Brain...
You're going to want to try to follow a good brown to green ratio. There are a lot of more precise ratios like 20:1 brown/green or 30:1 brown/green mixes. I have found it's pretty hard to get too overly precise in real life applications. I generally did a 1 lawn bag of leafs layer then a 5...
From my experience I haven't had any issues with coffee grounds and mold. Coffee shops go through so much coffee that you can get it the same day the grounds were used and add them to your compost pile. Plus if you're hot composting temps can get high enough to kill just about anything that's a...
Great thread guys! Lots of good stuff here.
I just purchased 2 Geobins that I plan on starting as a winter composting project. I'm hoping that the abnormally warm weather here in Ohio continues long enough for me to get it cooking.
I've been reaching out in search of local free resources...
I didn't really think about problems related to shipping fresh pubes... that sucks. I really wanted to try some fresh pods. It looks like a couple of my red rocotos are starting to ripen up.
What all varieties do you have smokemaster? Which varieties do you recommend? I only have red rocotos...
Hey Everyone,
Regrettably I only planted two Rocoto plants this year and they've yet to ripen up any pods. I'd love to get my hands on a SFRB of random Pubescens varieties. Thanks!
Glad you guys posted this. I've been wanting to get some Primo hot sauce directly from the source. Just placed an order. I'll update this post once I receive it.