wanted WTB: Pubescens mixed SFRB

Hey Everyone,
Regrettably I only planted two Rocoto plants this year and they've yet to ripen up any pods. I'd love to get my hands on a SFRB of random Pubescens varieties. Thanks!
Pubes are VERY hard to ship fresh.
They have a VERY short life span in a box.
I've shipped Tons  of them and any that were near ripe arrived as mush.
I have SEVERAL pounds of dry pods(seeded-60 lbs.+/-).
If I was made an offer I couldn't refuse,I might work out something with you.
Remember,Fresh pods loose a LOT dry weight.
I have a lot of smoke dried pods too.
E mail me.
8-10 lbs. fresh = at most 1 lb. of pods dry.
Seeds etc cut the weight down BIG time.
A bag of dry pods is the result of drying 10 or more lbs of seeded pods to get a lb. of smoke dried or just dry pods.
Depends on what you want,quantity wise.
I don't sell pods in general.
I might be moving to a new place.
Selling my stash might help out with the bills I have to pay.
I WON"T sell for less than MY cost,smoking and or drying  unseeded pods.
I have a 6ft. X 3ft. x 3ft. freezer full of dried and smoke dried pods,mostly manzanos.
I will not sell pods via Pay Pal.
I got hacked big time using Pay Pal.
Cost me zero $ BUT months of hassling with my credit card people and my bank.
NEVER going to do it again.
Not to make a few pennies profit selling pods or anything else.
I do NO $ things on the net these days.
Will have to work out another payment plan.
I do have Lbs. of seeds for SASBE.
I didn't really think about problems related to shipping fresh pubes... that sucks. I really wanted to try some fresh pods. It looks like a couple of my red rocotos are starting to ripen up.
What all varieties do you have smokemaster? Which varieties do you recommend? I only have red rocotos planted this year.