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  1. Chad

    favorite Favorite Burger Joints?

    Not yet, I think the little lady and I might hit it this weekend :) I've heard alot of good things about it, Jack. Do you rate it as better than Kincaids?
  2. Chad

    favorite Favorite Burger Joints?

    I went to Kincaid's Hamburgers in Southlake last night, tasty little burger for the price and I like any place that makes em greasy enough that it turns the butcher paper see-through :D
  3. Chad

    favorite Favorite Burger Joints?

    My favorite local place to have a burger is at The Star Cafe down in the Stockyards. I'm also a big fan of the Athens Burger at Love & War In Texas. One of the best burgers I've ever had was at Ed's Easy Diner in London down in Soho, I'd been in London for a week and was craving a burger so I...
  4. Chad

    Round 2: DPQ

    Round 3: Big Red BBQ Sauce The recipe is similar to Dr. Pepper except I only used 2 cups of Big Red and added three habs to the mix. Results: This is the best sauce I've made so far, it has a good sweet flavor and the perfect amount of heat.
  5. Chad

    Round 2: DPQ

    I've been hankering to make some new sauce lately but the holidays at work have kept me busier than a 3 peckered goat, today I decided to try my hand at making a Dr. Pepper based BBQ sauce to go with the pork roast I bought to make some 'que tomorrow. Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups Dr. Pepper (I...
  6. Chad

    My first salsa

    I brought the salsa with me to work today, everyone who tried it enjoyed it but agreed that it was a bit too appley.
  7. Chad

    My first salsa

    You think that's the secret? Ok, I'll give it a try :)
  8. Chad

    My first salsa

    I was getting burned out, plus real life is taking precedence over interweb life so I'm taking a break for awhile to recharge my batteries. I think when I get off work tomorrow, I'm gonna swing by the store and buy some new ingredients to try again.
  9. Chad

    My first salsa

    After trying some of Chuk Hell's delicious sauce awhile back, I decided to try my own hand at creating some. Today, I made an apple/habanero salsa. Ingredients: 2 small red apples 4 washed habs 2 oz. jose cuervo 1 small white onion 1 small tomato a dash of fresh cilantro and a dash of lemon...