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  1. K

    vendor Looking for cheap Aji Charapita with shipping to Japan.

    Hi Im looking for seeds of AJi Charapite which can be shipped fast to Japan.
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    Low Temperature in Growbox.

    Here photos:   I heard that cinamon can help so I sprinkled soil a bit, and it looks better I found fungus only in one place today.  Every season I have same problem with mold it is by cold temperature at night? Also I using 110V  fan 1-2 hours daily on low speed without lid under plants. ...
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    Low Temperature in Growbox.

    I will take some photos tomorrow and show it. So even if Mold apear on soil its still chance that seeds will germinate? With light on temperature is between 25-29*C at night its drop to 15-16*C And its very high humidity in my room about 80%.  So Every season I have problems with mold on soil ;/. 
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    Low Temperature in Growbox.

    Still at night it was cold temperature. And I found fungus on my soil, white fluffy things. I found some fungus on my watermelon seeds and some of them didnt germinate. Still no signs of chilli germination, does seeds died (T-T) I took off some seeds to check but there is no signs of...
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    Kamiru 2017~

    Im not sure what about this material. But its prolly mat for heat insulation, like this for floor heating.
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    Kamiru 2017~

    Last year was my first with Hot peppers, I had Jalapenos, white peruvian habaneros and chocolate Habaneros. Now Rithcer in basic experience I decided to grow more kind of peppers. For this year I have. Lemon Drop Aji Cito Aribibi Gusano Naga Morich Naga Viper 7 Pod White Jamaican hot Red...
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    Low Temperature in Growbox.

    Its indoors. Outside is still snow. 68* is too cold for peppers seedling? It will bear few days in thuis temp  until I will warm my growbox?   Will CFL light work well too ?
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    Low Temperature in Growbox.

    Hi,  In my growbox average temp is about 68*F . Is there any cheap way to reach 75-77 *F ? Or 68*F is enough for seedling ? I was thinking about insulation for example fill whole growbox by styrofoam and use maybe ceramic heating lamp like for terrarium. as Ligh I using led strips which dont...
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    Strange white on bottom of jar.

    no I used only peppers , white dry wine , and salt. nothing else. I will check this site thanks  
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    Strange white on bottom of jar.

    I will take photo tommorow cause I mixed it . but I used this recipe And he used sulfites free wine.
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    Strange white on bottom of jar.

    Hi I made my first ferment on natural white wine, salt and peppers. First I didn't see any symptoms of fermentation but after change jar to another with airlock it started fermentation. But now on bottom of jar I can see something white like yeast durning make wine . It's normal durning lactic...
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    fermenting Fermented sauce - salt.

    Strange things, after put to another pot with air lock and it started fermentation.
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    fermenting Fermented sauce - salt.

      Ok thanks I added airlock to check if fermenting. How sour it should be after finish fermentation ?  
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    fermenting Fermented sauce - salt.

    how should it taste after one week? It should be very sour? like sauerkraut or just little? I tried and I dont know If its became saur maybe little or its just vine taste? what  I should do ? maybe make little sauerkraut and add juice?   Im so sad of my sauce ;( I even cant see if its fermenting
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    fermenting Fermented sauce - salt.

    Maybe I should try with a airlock then It will be visible ? I made vine many times,  I always keep cleanliness  and never had problem with acetic fermentation.  I  hope it will be good ;< It is my first fermented sauce and First time when I raised peppers. And I dont feel any acetic odor.
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    fermenting Fermented sauce - salt.

    I dont see any fermentation. :confused: I used white wine without sulfites like another recipe said "Add this to the jar/crock, along with enough white wine (prefereably a high-sugar Reisling or Gewürstraminer that is free of sulfites) to cover by a half inch or so. Mix and mash thoroughly with...
  17. K

    seeds Beautiful Chilli - ugly seeds

    Hi guys, Many of my Chocolate Habanero seeds were ugly or totaly black and one were big and another very small. Any idea why ? I dont have photos.
  18. K

    Airlock or piece of cloth?

    Can someone explain for me difference between use cloth or airlock for fermentation ? This two techniques change something in final product ? I wanted use airlock to know well when fermentation will finish . But in recipe said that airlocks are for used when we will fermenting purée than chopped...
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    fermenting Fermented sauce - salt.

    I've made my first ferment, I followed this guide Thanks everyone for answers,  I've got a little bit of knowledge and it will be more easy to make next sauces :) My is pure Chocolate Habanero and I used white sweet wine without sulfites...