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  1. E

    Reaper and Ghost ID's

      Second is what I was sold as a reaper, I uploaded in the wrong order.. I'm very excited about that ghost though, I think you're right about it being a good phenotype Oh, ok cool! I hope it turns out to be, id hate to grt disappointed by bad nursery labeling Thanks!
  2. E

    Reaper and Ghost ID's

    Ahh thanks, that would make sense. I am betting it is just a regular bhut jolokia then, based on the flavor and heat of a young pod that fell off and the shape of the pods as they're maturing   This supposed ghost is still stumping me
  3. E

    Reaper and Ghost ID's

    Hi Everyone,           I purchased this reaper as nursery stock but the pods shape is not what i expected. Second is what I believe is a ghost but it was a mystery seed, I haven't seen ghosts with tails like this before, what do you all think? Thanks so much for the help   Sean  
  4. E

    seeds Seedlings showing odd signs

    I have some sticky traps, they seem to be working.   I am using the general hydroponics flora series   Thanks for all the help everyone. Still fighting last weeks 2ft of snow and dealing with another 18" drop today
  5. E

    seeds Seedlings showing odd signs

    I think I did give some full strength nutes to the ones in foam cups thinking if it was ok for my bottom fed rooted plants then they would be alright but it looks like it was too early.  I've cut back watering a bit and I'm hoping to see some change. It'll be like a week before they show any...
  6. E

    seeds Seedlings showing odd signs

    Hi all,   Seedling leaves are browning on the tips and curling upwards. My temps are at 75 and I really don't think I'm overwatering them. They were fed some hydro nutrients. Did I burn them perhaps? I am also fighting fungal gnats (yay). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Oh, and my...
  7. E

    New Pepper Grower

    Hello all,           This is my first year starting seedlings inside for a hot pepper container garden this year. Thanks for being an inviting community and I'm looking forward to posting about my grow   S