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  1. C

    heat loving sweet pepper

    I would try sweet peppers that are not bell pepper types. I live in a different region, Wisconsin, but I had very good luck with Carmen.    I bet a sweet banana pepper would do well. There are lots of hybrid types you can buy as plants and seeds that finish pretty early, like Pageant and Lola. I...
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    indoor First Grow Tent Setup: Lights and Ventilation for 2x4

    I am using a 480 watt quantum board from a company called Timber, in the ballpark of the HLG 550 but a bit weaker.  They are insanely bright. These 400 to 500 watt quantum boards are nuts! You can start seeds by the dozens with those 400 and 500 watt quantum boards.    Somebody here, Peter...
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    Any Recommendations On Must Grow, Low To Mid Heat Peppers?

    I am new to pepper growing and last season was a mixed bag for me, but two pepper plants that performed great even for me were Thai Giant and a sweet pepper called Carmen. They did very well in Zone 5b even though it was cold and raining like a MONSTER. I'm growing Carmen and Thai Giant again...
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    I want to grow really large pepper plants next year in large containers. What are the largest pepper

    @The_NorthEast_Chileman   I didn't start anything from seed last year and bought some through the mail from and some at the nursery.  The peppers that didn't do well in my climate and the grow bag containers were... A cherry type of pepper A cubanelle type pepper called an...
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    I want to grow really large pepper plants next year in large containers. What are the largest pepper

    I'm interested in growing some real monsters next year and starting them indoors for a few months before transplanting outside in May. I have larger plastic pots and grow bags and this year, 10 to 20 gallons, and I found that the smaller types of peppers that I had didn't like them, while the...
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    Cleveland weather this year has been uncharacteristically WET. Expecting a full week of thunderstorm

    I am having the same problems in Wisconsin close to the lake as well. It is raining almost every other day and very cold and windy. I have a bunch of lately started peppers boughts from the local garden shops and I'm wondering what I should do to them to help them out. This is a nasty growing...
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    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

    I'm a bit confused on the Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope thing and don't want to screw it up. 
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    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

    Those Kandy seeds sound really neat. Where do we get them from? I'd like to try these out.
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    Hello from Wisconsin

    Thanks for all the welcoming messages, really appreciated. 
  10. C

    Quick Hot Peppers For Zone 5b/Lake Michigan Area Wisconsin

    Oh, you mean the longer looking red ones, the Hot Paper Lanterns? Those were catching my eye, too. Great to hear that you had success with both of those.    This isn't so much an early type, but did you guys do any Pubescens like Manazo/Rocoto style peppers? They say those can hold up to the fog...
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    Quick Hot Peppers For Zone 5b/Lake Michigan Area Wisconsin

    Have any of you grown any of the quicker varieties of hot peppers in Wisconsin? My growing season is medium length and I don't know if I can do the super-hots here, it gets fairly cold with a low average temperature and frost starting early October and its pretty foggy and damp.    I am looking...
  12. C

    Hello from Wisconsin

    I have done some gardening before, but never grew hot peppers. I would like to start them indoors this winter and transplant them this May. This place looks like it will be a great place to learn how to do that successfully. Thanks for having me. 