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  1. Drachor

    Sexy Beds!!!

    Didn't watch the video, but those would be tall enough to also make them self watering. I made one and haven't had to water it in 2 years, as it rains enough to fill it on its own.
  2. Drachor

    raised-bed My raised bed

    "First off, 7.04 is NOT what one considers "very high".  Especially here in Florida." I discovered that after posting. I took the highs and lows off of the charts that came with the results, which obviously didn't take into account what one would be planting.   "For grins... Would you be willing...
  3. Drachor

    raised-bed My raised bed

    Got my soil test back today. PH seems very high and low on other nutrients. ph 7.04 (very high) electrical conductivity .59 (don't think this is relevant) NO3N: 21.45 (very low) P: 3.46 (good) K: 59.14 (little high) Ca: 54.28 (little high) Mg: 12.87 (good)
  4. Drachor

    raised-bed My raised bed

    I'm sending off a sample to University of Florida this week.   Wood locking up nitrogen. Solution is just to fertilize with heavy nitrogen ratio? And even if that does improve the plants, would it be a continuous issue to were I would have to fertilize more than normal for the foreseeable...
  5. Drachor

    raised-bed My raised bed

    Here's a couple of pictures of the peppers in my raised beds. All 30 of them look like this, well except two, which completely died and withered .
  6. Drachor

    raised-bed My raised bed

    I will try to post some pictures tomorrow. The testing kit I threw away as the pills in some of the packet looked like they were eating the capsules and growing stuff. Pills were so bad they fell apart trying to pick them up. Heres the link to the kit on Google...
  7. Drachor

    raised-bed My raised bed

    Open. I think the beds are 2 feet tall and just sitting grass, but placed weed barrier down before the dirt.
  8. Drachor

    raised-bed My raised bed

    The dirt did have a lot of mulch mixed in when it arrived, which was nice. I added perlite, vermiculite, worm casting, black cow, and a fertilizer that had bone meal and such.
  9. Drachor

    raised-bed My raised bed

    I created 3 huge raise beds this year. Needed 6 yards of dirt. Found a local place that dumped 6 yards of garden soil pretty cheap. 3 months after planting, every single plant is turning completely yellow and dying, even a couple year old plants I added in there to make space on the patio.   I...
  10. Drachor

    end of season

    I've heard of cutting the branches when you over winterize and putting the branches in water inside and they will ripen. I have not had to do this myself to test it out as I live in Florida and our season never ends.
  11. Drachor

    Late start help

    I had about 50 pepper plants this year, up from the 25 or so from last year. Very product this year.   I had a couple plants in the corner of my garden that had small amount of white flies this year. I got lazy and didn't treat them and in a month most of my plants were infested. I decided to...
  12. Drachor

    The bonnets got me, took them to be too tame!

    I was turning all my peppers into powder, mainly ghosts. While slicing them in have I must have pierced my glove and hadn't noticed. About half hour after getting them into my electric smoker my left hand thumb area felt like an acid burn. Was intense and lasted for hours. Only relief was...
  13. Drachor

    Thai Chili Dropping Leaves

    Looks like you have multiple plants in the same pot. Also, not sure where you live, but plants that size have hard time in direct sunlight for long periods of time.
  14. Drachor

    watering Irrigation interval - 24 or 48?

    The are rectangular pots that did not come with holes, but punch outs to make holes. I'd like to say originally I drilled about 4 half inch holes with a drill. Didn't use the punch outs as I did not like their locations in the pots. Filled it with Miracle grow potting mix.   I never had a...
  15. Drachor

    Resturant peppers

    They were cut peppers at the restaurant given to me in a little cup. They looked possibly a little under ripened. But doubt it would account for 0% germination from over 100 seeds. What's funny is I banked on those seeds for all my Jalapeno's this year, so I ended up going to HD and buying...
  16. Drachor

    Resturant peppers

    Wanted to follow up on this. Don't bother with Tijuana Jalapeno seeds. They radiate them. Tried to get them to grow, out of 100 or more seeds, not one sprouted.
  17. Drachor

    watering Irrigation interval - 24 or 48?

    Hate to re-open this thread, but this is the first time I have read these.   But I actually had a container drain holes (there were 3) clog and kill both plants. Medium was Miracle grow with nothing added to it. Plants started looking droopy as if they dried out and got too hot, started to water...
  18. Drachor

    Baquinho's Ripening

    Mine are outside in pots and a massive above ground planter I made. Live in Florida, but think grow season closing soon. My 1st orange one ripened to red. Wife ate it and loved it.
  19. Drachor

    Baquinho's Ripening

    I think ours are at the exact same age/stage. In fact, I forgot to look in on it for about a week since some started turning orange. Need to go check! Grew them for my wife who is Brazilian. Snacks on them out of a jar she buys.
  20. Drachor

    Infused vodka/tequila

    I actually did this last night, but waiting to try it with my co-workers after work. I read an article stating to leave the peppers in for 15 minutes. Hour max as anything after an hour it doesn't get any hotter. Not sure how true it is. I only made a small sample size, used one ghost that I cut...