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  1. TxCollector

    Grafted multipepper

    Gotcha.  Is there any difference between the lab tape and the grafting tape?  The cost of the lab tape is 10X the grafting tape.  Maybe because it's sterile?
  2. TxCollector

    Grafted multipepper

    I never see anyone use or mention Parafilm grafting tape when talking about grafting peppers.  It's the standard for grafting trees since it's strong, flexible, biodegradable, breathable and holds moisture.  Is it the DIY spirit or is there a downside to using grafting tape?
  3. TxCollector

    seeds-germination SCIENCE IS FUN: H2O2 Germination trial #1

    What concentration of H2O2 are you using in this experiment?  The common 3% sold in most pharmacies here in the US or something stronger?
  4. TxCollector

    Is this harmful worm?

    Actually, I believe those are millipedes rather than centipedes.  Millipedes are not predators but more scavengers.  They like decaying plant matter and such.  Still not harmful to your plants and they don't bite but they do make an unpleasant smell if you bother them.
  5. TxCollector

    trade 2019 Seed Exchange

    Walmart sells 100 packs of 2"x3" in the craft isle for $1.99.  At least the stores around me do.  They're on the isle with beads and home made jewery stuff.
  6. TxCollector

    hydroponics Please help to identify hydroponic jalapenos problem

    I'm surprised no one suggested calcium deficiency.  The damage appears to be limited to newer growth and leaf tips in the close up pictures. High humidity can slow transpiration, combine that with high temperatures that encourage fast growth and you get new growth faster than the plant can...
  7. TxCollector

    indoor-growing Indoors and outdoors in relatively cold climate!? Tips on strong peppers!

    I don't think you'll find a pepper that does well in cold climates.  Most varieties I'm aware of don't like cold at all and I don't know of any that can handle freezing temperatures.   But indoors, you can grow anything  you like.  All you need is warmth and light.  If the temperature indoors is...
  8. TxCollector

    Hello from Texas

    Hi there,   I'm in the North Texas area and have been growing peppers for a couple of years now on my balcony and indoors.  I'm currently growing: bhut jolokia, habanero, jalapeno, serrano, aji lemon, hot cherry, thai, poblano, purple bell, red bell, tabasco, and cayenne. About half are outside...