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  1. T

    Another 1

    @neil "but Yea,, only 2 left as ate 1 and broke 1 :(" that sounds just like you :rolleyes: and thanks thou, cant wait to try it:onfire:
  2. T

    Another 1

    wohooo!! this looks and sounds great!!
  3. T

    hot-sauce Is this possible/accurate to extract Capsaicin?

    the leathal dose of pure cap is about 17grams don#t think anybody can eath that much ;)
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    hot-sauce Worst Hot sauce you've ever tasted?

    I totaly agree, bought this sauce year ago and i tested it onces. its really ewww !! never tried it again
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    video Chilli Sauce Tests "Chocolate Nightmare"

    thanks dude! but like i said in germany it isnt that easy to sell sauces, if i would sell it right now, i'm gonna get in big trouble :( there are so many ยง you have to look after. i'am thinking about to build a little company for making and selling sauces, but i need time and $$money$$ sry...
  6. T

    video Chilli Sauce Tests "Chocolate Nightmare"

    hallo! thanks to Neil and alphanerd for this positive response to my sauce! i not expected that its gonna be such a hit. I would have send both some more but I'm totally run out cause i only made a small amount. I#m not a profesionell saucemaker its just my hobby, cause its not easy in germany...