Another 1

was Bored and left home alone as they all took off due to it being 40 C so what to do in heat, COOK soo after the Chocolate Nightmare sauce the other day decided to do a choc hab 1..

sooooooooooooooooo here is my new upcoming sauce/paste thingy

Chocolate Habaneros with Strawberries and Passionfruit

Black Widow ?


doing Plant growing Dances atm to get heaps happening

sure is pretty THSC
Me wanty. Those flavours would go really good together i think, even though i don't eat strawberries. It seems every one i try is tart/bitter so i just gave up trying them!!

Did you leave the passionfruit seeds in or did you kinda strain them out?

Sh*t, just rubbed my nose after cutting up goatweed and orange habs...
only made a few to test, and will change couple things as diff vinegar and up the strawberry/passionfruit from 2:1 to 3:1.5

but Yea,, only 2 left as ate 1 and broke 1 :(

the 2 people whom get them are TheChosen1982 cause said when got idea would, and 1 for my new besstest friend MrArboc as he is drasticlly Weather challenged atm and could use heating up..

Oh Yea Even Better news.. Due to the unbelievable growth of THSC just told the missus that im renting the Unit/yard adjoining our place cause the dude is moving in a month, and its like 2 rooms a kitchen a Caaravan attached as another room and Yard.. just got a cubic metre of potting mix and potting up 100 Dorsets, 100 morich, 100 Bih 50 savina's 100 yellow habs 200 bonnet Seedlings have here doing nothig, and get ready to go in Yard

thought 500 plants in a Yard was lots ? Lets Go 1000 (as also aquired 1/3 of next door, other side) Whoooooooooooooooooooop
Thats great new Neil. Things are only going up for you my friend and i am vey happy for ya mate. 100 Dorsets and 100 morich, dear god!

Looks like the farm that stillz always talks about is happening by you:)