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  1. K

    Buddy's Seed Give-Away (Part 1) - Winner Announced

    999,  thanks for the offer.
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    free 4 oz,s of super hot,s free

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    Collapsing plants

    Fellow Hot Heads, Got a definite type of situation here. I'm starting to lose plants like crazy. They don't even wilt, they just collapse and die. It appears they've been infected with a soil born fungi (either Fusarium or a Verticilium wilt) that I introduced into my pepper patch (4X8 raised...
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    free Free Seeds with SASE (Golden Cayenne and Hot Paper Lantern)

    Yeah, I could use some of both of those please. thanks for offering. PM sending.
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    free Aji Cito seeds Free For SASBE

    Tasty, prolific and early? I'm in. love to try growing some of these. thanks for the offer. IMG_1366.jpg by SlowRolling, on Flickr Please post to the thread then PM me for address, since this is my first rodeo here I'm going to limit it to US only at first, if that goes of smoothly I'll...
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    Here is why you do research before buying peppers from eBay!!!

    never been anything but hosed buying seeds and/or plants on EBAY. with so many cool people trading and selling here why bother with those douchebags.
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    Trinidad Scorpion peppers

    yeah, no argument, the people here are extremely generous. and just another reminder why NOT to buy seeds from the scammers on Ebay and instead patronize the fine folks here.
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    Aji Caballero seeds for SASE - CLOSED

    Love to check these out, sound really tasty. I vote for pods. PM sent. thanks for the offer.
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    It's Time to Spread some of Brazil to Ya'll - CLOSED

    those look awesome. count me in. PM sent. thanks for the great offer.
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    My first fatali

    sorry to wuss out but I found the Fatali just too effin' hot for regular use. the plant and the fruit are gorgeous but I found the heat blistering. ended up infusing some oil with it and that gives me the flavor without having to take the day off.
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    smoking Smoked Some Chocolate Congos - Updated

    a packet of smokey joy came in the mail today. yum. Buddy, thanks for sharing and your generosity.
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    smoking Smoked Some Chocolate Congos - Updated

    look pretty tasty. any chance there's one left? I'd love to try these. p.s. thanks for the Criollo Sella and Peruvian Pointer from last year.
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    wanted back again looking to trade

    that's some interesting peppers on your list. I'd love to trade for some of those. I'll PM you with my list later today.
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    seed-plant-vendors Ordering Pepper Seeds

    hi, anybody out there purchased pepper seeds on Ebay from a seller with the handle "rugriok"? seems to have some interesting "rare" seed, just wondering if he's legit? I've learned (the hard way) not to be too impressed by good feedback on Ebay. thanks for any replies.
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    wanted Looking for Charleston Hot Seeds

    hi, I'm in Illinois also and would be happy to share some Red Fatali seed with you. grown isolated, quite prolific and of course, hotter than hades. please PM if you're interested.
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    smoking Smoked Some Chocolate Congos - Updated

    you're a genuis. and thank you again for the cool seeds you shipped out last fall. the Criollo Sella and the Peruvian Pointer are just hitting their stride, And I'm expecting a bumper crop of both. Thanks for sharing.
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    seed-plant-vendors Ordering Pepper Seeds

    just my two cents but I would stay away from Ebay for buying seeds and plants. never been anything but ripped off buying both on Ebay. Sellers send any kind of garbage for seed and by the time you figure that out , its too late to leave feedback. the same goes for Ebay sellers who don't ship the...