My first fatali

Before I begin I really want to say thank you to kcso53 (Mike) for awesome customer service. I ordered peppers from him on Tuesday at 10pm and immediately got the tracking number. He gave me a good deal on the peppers and didn't complain at all about all the back and forth emails due to me being a noob. I received my peppers yesterday which is what was told to me. So again thank you.
Now on to the fatali. As I tell you my experience with this peppers understand I am still a noob and feed back would be great. Also as I write this my stomache is in pain as I just woke up and that was my breakfast with a tall glass of chocolate milk (just in case). Yesterday I was smart enough to take just a piece off and pop it in my mouth. I definitely got that fruity citrus flavor that I've heard about. And the heat (so I thought) was just bearable for me to handle; primarily on the tongue. However, this morning I decided to pop the rest in my mouth. I gave a solid 10 seconds before swallowing. Not but 5 seconds later my mouth and my throat was fire. I started to tear up and clench my hand hands together. I made it 1 minute before gulping down my chocolate milk. Surprisingly that didn't work. Then following it with 5 glasses of water. Even now the peppers taste is still there, though the citrus flavor itself has dissipated a bit. Maybe from the chocolate milk?
Now that i have more of an understanding of its flavor, I can start experimenting :).
Thanks again Mike

I didn't mention that the peppers I received looked and smelled great, and the fatali I had surprisingly popped with juice. Not sure if normal since it was my first one, but definitely crisp and fresh.

Yep , that sounds accurate, the longer you chew...hehe ,well , now you know!
Mike has great customer service, and is a great guy to deal with....come to think of it-
Everyone on here I've dealt with for products on here has been really great.

I got some congos,chocolate habs w/mix bags thrown in for good measure, they arrived yesterday.
Packed in paper bags(which is a really good idea, as it helps keep evil moisture condensation from forming if it takes a few days).

And just so you know, the peppers get hotter towards the stem/placenta(that what the seeds are attached to)and ribs.Eat first, and vanilla ice cream seem like a life saver sometimes.I chomped off half a brain strain the other day(doing 2 things at once-ooooops!) :mouthonfire: :onfire: :hell: :beer:
and lets just say,I won't do that again for a while!
Did you save the seeds?

I have a bunch of them and one of my favorites too!! I love the yellows with fish…man you just can't beat it!!
Completely overlooked the paper bag thing, but your right its a wise concept. Haven't had the pleasure of meeting a brain strain, but it looks like I will next week. Mike also sent me Dorset Naga and bih jolokias. I will be trying them for the first time later today after enough time has passed :) I will try the ice next.
I have ordered peppers from two others. One I'm still waiting on and the others is Cappy. And, well it's Cappy. His reputation proceeds him. A great, knowledgeable Guy that does what he says he'll do. No complaints from either of them.
Hey Aaron. Welcome to the wonderful world of Fatalii! Last year when I was discovering superhots for the first time, I wanted to try the Fatalii more than anything based on what I had picked up from THP. I bought various superhots soon after and the Fatalii was the first one I ate. It was everything I was hoping for. There will be more at the PNC get-together for sure. For the record, Salsalady's home grown was the hottest Fatalii at the PNC party.
Hey Aaron. Welcome to the wonderful world of Fatalii! Last year when I was discovering superhots for the first time, I wanted to try the Fatalii more than anything based on what I had picked up from THP. I bought various superhots soon after and the Fatalii was the first one I ate. It was everything I was hoping for. There will be more at the PNC get-together for sure. For the record, Salsalady's home grown was the hottest Fatalii at the PNC party.

Thanks chileaddict :). As far as the super hots this is my favorite thus far. I thought about using it in a bernnaise sauce, I might try infusing it in butter. Looking forward to the NWchilefest. I'll be sure to bring lots of ice cream for all the peppers coming.

SuperHot I plan on saving these seeds for future growing. As this is going to be my first time I will be in need of a "how to" website that starts from drying seeds to moving outdoor.
HH, the fatalii is a great chile for cream-type sauces. I hope to have a homegrown orange fatalii to bring over. The DeVille's just tasted fresh fataliis for the first time today. They will hopefully be joining us at the Chilefest.

sorry to wuss out but I found the Fatali just too effin' hot for regular use. the plant and the fruit are gorgeous but I found the heat blistering.
ended up infusing some oil with it and that gives me the flavor without having to take the day off.
sorry to wuss out but I found the Fatali just too effin' hot for regular use. the plant and the fruit are gorgeous but I found the heat blistering.
ended up infusing some oil with it and that gives me the flavor without having to take the day off.

That's what it is all about. It's just a matter of finding the right proportion. The flavor is what makes it a favorite. I picked my first home grown almost-ready Fatalii today and ate it while working in the backyard. Good heat and sooo tasty.
Hopefully the DeVilles can make it, the more the merrier.

I was kinda hoping I could build a tolerance for them so that in the future I can use it for other things.
I just delivered a beautiful Bhut to a friend who had called me a few days ago. He owns a fantastic restaurant here on Kauai called the East Side. Well apparently, a tough guy was at the bar talking about watching guys eat superhots on youtube. Claiming they were all a bunch of p%$$!#s and he could handle no problem. We'll my friend knew I was into Chile peppers and begged me to provide him with a pepper that would lite this guy up. I delivered with a smile and asked him to call me if the "tough guy" actually steps up to the plate. I would like to film him on the DL and put him on youtube. I'm waiting for the call. Too be continued..... :beer:
I just delivered a beautiful Bhut to a friend who had called me a few days ago. He owns a fantastic restaurant here on Kauai called the East Side. Well aparently, a tough guy was at the bar talking about watching guys eat superhots on youtube. Claiming they were all a bunch of p%$$!#s and he could handle no problem. We'll my friend knew I was into Chile peppers and begged me to provide him with a pepper that would lite this guy up. I delivered with a smile and asked him to call me if the "tough guy" actually steps up to the plate. I would like to film him on the DL and put him on youtube. I'm waiting for the call. Too be continued..... :beer: might have to work it like a jig.....on second thought, a 4kt troll so he'll gulp the whole thing down! :dance:
Great stories, unfortunately everyone up here knows better. However I did give a guy a datil that claimed he like "hot" stuff and immediately ran for the honey. Meanwhile I popped another in my mouth as I laughed hysterically at his pain. :)
Ouch! I can relate. The first Fatali I ate was for a test video, right after granola bars and 3 huge slices of pizza. I got a huge stomach ache because my stomach was TOO full, and I had to make myself throw up to get rid of the pain. Definitely have to find middle ground with how much you eat before eating a superhot pod!
Fatalii is my absolute favorite pepper. I make fatalii sauces, puree, vodka, powder, put it in pickles, pickled jalpenos, and whatever else I can think of. Oh yeah fatalii jelly is yummy too.
Put fatalii in front of it and it sounds good to me, follow it with jelly and it sounds awesome.!:)
Is there a difference between red and yellow fataliies as far as taste? Wondering because I am looking at purchasing some red ones.