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  1. orangehero

    AJ's 2015 season prep

    Good luck on the season! Glad you're back can't wait to see how awesome the garden will be! I still remember those scorpion trees you had your relative growing.
  2. orangehero

    Nice Fat Manzano Bush

      After 5 minutes I'm still trying to comprehend this. Typical of the individuals in HOA boards though.   That bush looked awesome. How exactly did they find out and decide it needs to be removed? There are ornamental peppers after all.
  3. orangehero

    The Chocolate Brain Strain

    Good work, Judy! Can't wait to see what'll be in the pipeline in the future.
  4. orangehero

    Jeff H's 2014 glog- Season ending harvest pics.

    I like those terraced raised beds, looks very tidy.
  5. orangehero

    The Chocolate Brain Strain

    Gnarliest. Do these descend from red brain strains?   I see on your site you have Brown 7 Pod, but you describe it as being larger than the Douglah. I have grown brown 7 pods, and they had the same cylindrical shape as in your photos, but they were smaller than Douglahs. Any thoughts and...
  6. orangehero

    Raccoon Problem - Need Suggestions

    Just toss em into the neighbor's yard.
  7. orangehero

    orangehero 2014

    Howdy,   Figure I'd show off a little, knowing how much I like enjoying everyone elses pepper gardens. This is my superhot garden. Trying out drip irrigation this year, and going back to straw mulch. I highly recommend IrrigationDirect for the supplies.   It was a late spring this year, but the...
  8. orangehero

    $80 T5 4 bulb 4 ft fixture has T5's for a good price. I got 25 4' T5HO bulbs for around $85 delivered.
  9. orangehero

    seeds Seed Germination Issues

      What can cause all of your seeds to not germinate?
  10. orangehero

    Secret Project.........

    Good luck! Whenever a seedling pops out with extra cotyledons I always hope it'll turn out polyploid.   Are you basing this on any specific previous experiments? What are you going to be looking for as a marker of polyploidy?
  11. orangehero

    Miracle fruit:berry. Anyone else growing them

    What's the diagnosis for leaves becoming very pale yellow?   I repotted mine from Pro-Mix to a 50/50 peat and perlite mix to get the acidity up. The plant seemed to do respond well at first, but then began to yellow all over. I'm thinking it needs the acidity increased more with some sulfur.
  12. orangehero

    chinense Variation in CARDI Yellow Scorpion

    Yellow Scorpion CARDI is an excellent cultivar that produces beautiful, large, golden, delicious, not-too-hot fruit in prolific quantities. It's one of the best peppers I've ever grown, can't praise it enough.   This is what all of mine look like and what I believe is the true phenotype:  
  13. orangehero

    Are T-12s that bad?

    Have you ever successfully grown 4 1020 trays of pepper seedlings to plantout size with 4 T12 bulbs?
  14. orangehero

    media Coconut coir vs peat moss?   North American peat bogs are not in any danger and coir is not so great for the environment either.     I agree that perlite and vermiculite are different and...
  15. orangehero

    water Drip Irrigation Question

    I'm going to be doing drip for the first time this year also.   Here's some information I found useful. There are other tutorials on drip irrigation as well.
  16. orangehero

    seeds Forcing the germination in the oven

    You can use a carboard box or plastic tote and some lightbulbs the same way, no need for an oven. You can get a heating mat fairly inexpensively, though.   This is probably the cheapest solution:
  17. orangehero

    soil Series of Articles on Soilless Potting Mix (and pH measurment and adjustment)

    Hello,   I came across this five part series of articles on soilless potting mixes by Professor Bob Tripepi on the University of Idaho Extension website titled What Is Your Substrate Trying to Tell You.   What was useful for me is that he goes in depth into pH measurement and adjustment, but I...
  18. orangehero

    seeds Distilled water for seed starting?

      Chlorine is most common, but chloramine is used in some locations. You can call or e-mail your local water municipality to find out what they use.   If you are concerned, you can eliminate chloramine instantly with the addition of 30 mg of sodium metabisulfite or 35 mg of potassium...
  19. orangehero

    seeds Distilled water for seed starting?

    I've read that sodium hypochlorite (bleach) soaking stimulates germination of pepper seeds. I don't know the exact mechanism, but perhaps straight fresh municipal tapwater is not a bad choice.   I know you can't read it, but there's a...
  20. orangehero

    seeds Manzano germination issue

    Spraying with chamomile tea or hydrogen peroxide works great for keeping mold and damping off in check.