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  1. sadams

    What is doing this?

    Could be, the fence around the area is 4" square, but it looks awful neat and clean cut for a rodent. Can't stop mother nature, I've not watered these things since they've been out there. The soil is very wet right now due to the fact that it rained .62" about an hour before I took this pic. I...
  2. sadams

    What is doing this?

    Ok, so I planted about 50 plants in the garden. I usually plant in containers, but this year decided to also try the garden. So far, all has been good til today. I got home to find 4 plants laying over. Upon inspection of the plants, I found that an area right at the base had been eaten...
  3. sadams

    nutrients Disease or Nutrients?

    Ok, the roots were basically the same as when I put them in the pot. One little portion of them had advanced outward, but the rest were all pretty well confined into the area where the root ball in the cup was. I pulled my hands through the root ball to pull them out some, knocked off some of...
  4. sadams

    nutrients Disease or Nutrients?

    I didn't check the roots. I'll do so in a little bit. I had another issue cone up while I was gone...called deer. :-/. Luckily it only ate a few of them, however it ate all three of my bhut jolokia! They were looking so good too. :-(.
  5. sadams

    nutrients Disease or Nutrients?

    Ok, I had to leave town for a week or a little better. Again, the ferts were added after these symptoms started. Now, that said, the pH is at a 7 even. Advice? Thanks SA
  6. sadams

    nutrients Disease or Nutrients?

    But I added the ferts after it started doing this. Prior to that I had used no ferts at all. The promix bag said font use any til 7 days or something like that. Granted, it got worse after. :-(
  7. sadams

    nutrients Disease or Nutrients?

    Thanks superhot, I will check that out. I used the schultz the last two years without any problems. I normally do not use a full dose, it says 7 per quart I use 4 or 5 most of the time. how do you feel about ferts through foliage vs sprinkle on the soil top? Also, the sun had gone down before I...
  8. sadams

    nutrients Disease or Nutrients?

    Here is the label to the plant food I used on the leaves.
  9. sadams

    nutrients Disease or Nutrients?

    I used a mild dose of 10-15-10 Schultz plant food concentrate mixed with a quart of water and sprayed on the leaves. I also added bone meal and Epson salt directly on top of the soil and watered. It's been a couple days with no improvements, only getting worse. I will check the pH tomorrow and...
  10. sadams

    nutrients Disease or Nutrients?

    Please refer to the images below. The first is of a strange yellowing of the newer growth, with very dark veins. Some of the old growth is beginning to show signs of this as well. The second pic is of small holes in the leaves, I think they were made by an insect...any idea what kind? I'm more...
  11. sadams

    Falling Leaves

    Thanks for al the responses. Much appreciated. However, the first thing I considered was that the soil was too wet, upon inspection it seemed fine. Im not ruling it out, but the soil seemed equally as moist as the other pots I had potted up. It could be sun shock, as I thought I had placed the...
  12. sadams

    Falling Leaves

    Ok so what have I done wrong....I set out, in a 7 gal pot, a beautiful, healthy, tobasco plant. Within a couple of days, the bottom 7 or 8 leaves just fell off. They were still perfectly green and healthy looking laying on top of the promix. I touched a couple that were still on and they fell...
  13. sadams

    Promix MPX?

    Lol well I wasn't going to say that....but that is exactly what I had in mind. I potted my plants up to 18 oz cups with regular miracle grow this year and will never do that again. If the promix works out, next year it will be promix all the way. It will be interesting to see if the MPX or the...
  14. sadams

    Promix MPX?

    Well I got my hands on it. Potted up 3 super chili. It's very similar to BX texturewise. Of course you can see clearly there is no vermiculite in it. Not sure if that matters or not. I am going to go ahead and use it and see how it does. It is easy to tell that there is a higher content of peat...
  15. sadams

    Promix MPX?

    The MPX bag says 85-90% peat moss by volume....the BX bag says 75-85% peat moss by volume.
  16. sadams

    Promix MPX?

    Well I got 3 bales, I may cut into one and keep it just to see how it does, and take the rest back....ugh. Ive not actually gotten my hands on it yet, she has yet to come home. I think she is afraid, lol..j/k.
  17. sadams

    Promix MPX?

    Hmm, looking at that, makes me wonder if MPX = regular ole Promix. Doesnt look like it has anything "extra"...if thats good or bad, I dont Oh, and thanks for finding that. I looked at the product portfolio on their site and couldnt find it...:(.
  18. sadams

    Promix MPX?

    My wife went to pick up some Promix BX today from the local feed store, but it seems that they sold her Promix MPX instead. Anyone have any experience with this, is it as good as Promix BX? It was the same price as previous bales of BX that I have bought. Its in a black bag, 3.8 cubit feet...
  19. sadams

    Shanes 2010 Grow Log and Photo's

    Here are pictures of a few of my better plants. These are Hot Portugal, very good peppers in my opinion. These are my tallest of all my plants, with the tallest one being 54" from top of dirt to tip top of the plant. I put these in one pot just to see how they would do, and they seem to be...
  20. sadams

    What the heck??

    Thanks for the info. I have pulled about 6 of those caterpillars off this season, that being the first with the eggs on it. Previously, one of my ring of fire plants got really ripped up by not one, but two of those caterpillars just over night. It has now recovered, but I was very angry about...