Promix MPX?

My wife went to pick up some Promix BX today from the local feed store, but it seems that they sold her Promix MPX instead. Anyone have any experience with this, is it as good as Promix BX? It was the same price as previous bales of BX that I have bought. Its in a black bag, 3.8 cubit feet, compressed, just like the BX. I cant find the stuff on the Premier website.

Thanks in advance!
Hmm, looking at that, makes me wonder if MPX = regular ole Promix. Doesnt look like it has anything "extra"...if thats good or bad, I dont Oh, and thanks for finding that. I looked at the product portfolio on their site and couldnt find it...:(.
Yea it looks fairly similar except for the Vermiculite and MycorisePRO. I just wish they listed the percentages for the MPX.
Well I got 3 bales, I may cut into one and keep it just to see how it does, and take the rest back....ugh. Ive not actually gotten my hands on it yet, she has yet to come home. I think she is afraid, lol..j/k.
Well I got my hands on it. Potted up 3 super chili. It's very similar to BX texturewise. Of course you can see clearly there is no vermiculite in it. Not sure if that matters or not. I am going to go ahead and use it and see how it does. It is easy to tell that there is a higher content of peat moss though, but it feels better than most other potting mixes I've used. I've definitely used worse.
Lol well I wasn't going to say that....but that is exactly what I had in mind. I potted my plants up to 18 oz cups with regular miracle grow this year and will never do that again. If the promix works out, next year it will be promix all the way. It will be interesting to see if the MPX or the BX does better or both the sane. I'll have many more in the MPX, so I hope it does well.
I had one 3.8cf bag of that last year, and 2 of the (white) BX. I couldn't tell any difference at all, in terms of how the plants grew. There may be some subtle or technical differences, but in terms of the basic "how many pods and are they nice and big" question, I think the two Promixes are equivalent.