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  1. Darkside

    yield Bhut Jolokia. No yield until second season.

    Bigger pots mean bigger pepper plants means more peppers. These are 3 bhuts in different sized pots that I planted February of this year. The one on the left is a far larger plant than the one in the middle.
  2. Darkside

    Seeds shipped to Canada

    I ordered mine from Pepperlover on this forum and they came in no problem at all. You can always mail seeds to yourself from abroad if you're looking to avoid customs.
  3. Darkside

    Miracle Grow is not bad

    The difference between the plants I have potted in Pro-mix vs. MG is remarkable. I can add some pictures if anyone is interested.
  4. Darkside

    water Water Ager

    I occasionally dechlorinate my water with Seachem's Prime. Its a thiosulphate that removes the ClO2 and chloramine in tap water. I've never had it negatively affect my plants. I use the same product to dechlorinate my water for my planted setups as well. Its cheap if you're in a pinch and...
  5. Darkside

    Reliable seed distributors?

    +1 I've gotten some great seeds from her!
  6. Darkside

    Beautiful purple pods

  7. Darkside

    water On Water

    Biological activity converts the ammonia first into nitrite and then into nitrate. This happens almost instantly in any established aquarium.
  8. Darkside

    water On Water

    The only additive I use in my aquariums is Epsom salt, but I figure the peppers could use the Mg anyway. I do keep hard-water fish and as a result I need to buffer my soil with a higher concentration of peat, but overall I'm happy with the results. The water is high enough in nutrients that I...
  9. Darkside

    water On Water

    I almost exclusively use waste water from my aquariums, I change about 40 gallons of water weekly so that's more than enough to keep all of my plants watered. I'd love to move up to a soaker hose, but I'm afraid the particulate matter that comes up with the gravel vacuum will just clog the...
  10. Darkside

    Purple Jalapeno

    Did the pepper transition from red to purple? My purple peppers transitioned from purple to red, and were delicious at both stages.
  11. Darkside

    Relative growth/health.

    Bhuts for example are fairly large, but low yield pepper plants where as some habs are small and quite bushy but have relatively high yields of fruit. The problem with selecting for productivity is that productivity isn't necessarily correlated to taste... a good example of this are many of the...
  12. Darkside

    Where the he*% did spring go?

    Maybe we can share our weather, so that you get some rain and I avoid crazy thunderstorms. Hopefully this will prevent my peppers from looking like the victims of a drive-by. :P
  13. Darkside

    Relative growth/health.

    You won't be able to tell if you've had a cross until your grow out the seeds from the following generation.
  14. Darkside

    Relative growth/health.

    I find heterosis/hybrid vigor to be a generally misunderstood process because many people neglect the impact of outbreeding depression on the resulting offspring. This is especially true of both plants and animals adapted to specific environmental conditions that receive dominant genes adapted...
  15. Darkside

    Relative growth/health.

    When selecting for a trait such as size and vigor of the plant you have to be mindful of other important traits such as the productivity of the plant along with the size, shape and taste of the pods.
  16. Darkside

    Relative growth/health.

    Phenotype(what the plant looks like) = Genotype(genetics) + Environment(the environment the plant is grown in). If the environment is consistent across all of your plants then the difference is mostly genetic. Some individuals are more robust than others, but this may not be directly...
  17. Darkside

    Where the he*% did spring go?

    In Ontario we've had a thunderstorm every other day. The leaves on my plants are beginning to look a lot like Swiss-cheese. :(
  18. Darkside

    My 2nd year with peppers

    So I decided to pot a couple of my larger peppers up. I put 1 red Scorp and 1 red Bhut into larger clay pots. Here are my Bhut and Scorp, with a bonus shot of my single Fatalii:
  19. Darkside

    My 2nd year with peppers

    My hab plants were pretty bushy last year and quite productive as well for their size. I'm not sure that a bushier plant will be more productive than a taller, more indeterminate plant but perhaps someone else here knows better. Tomorrow I'll post some more pictures of the plants along with...
  20. Darkside

    My 2nd year with peppers

    Here's my grow list for the year. I've added it to my profile as well. :D Bhut Jolokia Brown Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon Bhut Jolokia Red Bih Jolokia Cherry Bomb Dorset Naga Fatalii Habanero Orange Jalapeno Joe. E. Parker Polish Cyklon Trinidad...