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My 2nd year with peppers

As you can see from the title this is my second go at doing hot peppers. You can check last year's thread for an bit of a mid season tour of my first go. This year I decided to try some different peppers including some super hots. I picked up some great seeds from PepperLover on the forum here and I had almost 100% germination direct planting in a mix of potting soil and coir. As soon as I find my growing list for the year I will post it as well. Here are some images of my peppers taken in April, when they first sprouted:







Here are some images of what they look like now:





This year I actually have a small area where I have access to the ground. The trouble is the density of the soil makes planting peppers a little bit iffy. I will move some of my plants up to 5 gallon pails, but I'd still like to get some in the ground. Any recommendations on what I can do to the soil to make it accessible to oxygen so my plants don't suffer root rot? Also, when should I be potting up to larger containers, I want maximum growth, but would still like to maintain a compact root ball. Tips and trick from the pros are appreciated!
Here's my grow list for the year. I've added it to my profile as well. :D

Bhut Jolokia Brown
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon
Bhut Jolokia Red
Bih Jolokia
Cherry Bomb
Dorset Naga
Habanero Orange
Joe. E. Parker
Polish Cyklon
Trinidad 7pod Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Butch
Trinidad Scorpion Red
very nice stubby and luscious plants! are short stubby plants better at producing a bigger yeild than tall ones?

My hab plants were pretty bushy last year and quite productive as well for their size. I'm not sure that a bushier plant will be more productive than a taller, more indeterminate plant but perhaps someone else here knows better. Tomorrow I'll post some more pictures of the plants along with some pictures of the soil I'm trying to work with... though y'all might mistake it for a dried lake bed. :P
So I decided to pot a couple of my larger peppers up. I put 1 red Scorp and 1 red Bhut into larger clay pots.
Here are my Bhut and Scorp, with a bonus shot of my single Fatalii:



