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  1. C

    CCErnst's 2013 attempt

    Last year was a bad year for the garden. The heat almost took out the peppers and was a problem elsewhere. 2013 will be better. So far, I've already gotten my seeds started as of 2/2/13 and already have a seed coming out of the shell, a Casper Ghost pepper. Not the white Ghost...but a...
  2. C

    Software/Website to track & monitor plants

    Past few seasons I've used charts and notes to keep track of my plants from seeds to planting in the garden. I can't help but feel there is a better way. I've looked at the google marketplace and there are a few apps there that look like it will work. I'd like something that I can access...
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    Need some ID help...i've either mutated or lost track of documentation

    years ago, my family found a strain of Jalapeno that was very flavorful and hot. We decided to have some fun with my mother since she found the first plant and refer to them as VBA (Vickie Bad Ass). We save seeds every year so we can keep having them. Last year, it lost all heat and we were...
  4. C

    CCErnst's 2012

    I've started this year off pretty strong so far. Winter has been unusually warm for Kansas City, I started a bit early on the first of Feb. Seeds were started in 3 small makup jars, cleaned out and filled with moistened toilet paper. Took a steak knife and made troughs in the paper. Seeds...
  5. C

    chinense Plant ID...seeds were supposed to be Ghost Pepper

    I'm spending the weekend at my parents house and dad is showing the plants that he grew from seed that we gave him for Christmas. He said he has grown the Ghost Pepper seeds, but the pods are not hot at all...but they are really sweet and flavorful. Can I get an ID on these peppers?
  6. C

    slow growing in the midwest?

    Granted a nuked mine a bit with some weedkill, but even some of my peppers that didn't get hit much at all just aren't doing anything. My habs haven't even flowered...only one jalapeno from 4 plants yet...Santakas have peppers, but have been green for a while...banana peppers have only done 3...
  7. C

    Shriveled tops...curvy veins

    So most of my pepper plants have started to shrivel at the top of the plant. All the younger leaves up top that are shriveled have very curvy veins. Soil is year old compost, put in last year for most plants. The plant pictured is still in a 4" starting pot with MiracleGro starting soil. is...
  8. C

    cotton balls

    My first round of seedlings I used a Jiffy pellet w/ small heat pad setup. It worked okay, but had trouble getting chiltepins going. I was working at a remote facility and talking about peppers to a coworker and he said he has a great setup that works great. Take a small container, put a...
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    media inspecting seed in peat pellet and had a problem

    I'm using a Jiffy kit and I've got several peppers already germinated and I've been digging around in several other pellets and several more are on their way...just haven't popped out yet. I'm 1 week into the start. However, I'm a bit concerned about my poblanos. I started two pellets with...
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    Opened my first jar of ajvar (pronounced "ah-var"??) and used it as a spread on pineapple & ham. Whoa is this stuff good. I got it from a European food store, just to try it out. If anyone sees it, give it a shot. Not overly spicy, even though it says it is "hot". For those who've tried it...
  11. C

    food Things that do not go well with peppers...

    Thought it'd be a fun idea to write about what I've tried that does not go well with peppers. This morning I put one of those dried peppers that they use in Kung Pao dishes in my coffee mug, just to see if I could get a coffee with a little spice in it. It sure did have some spice...but...
  12. C

    Purple Basil

    Last time I was at my parents, they had a purple basil plant growing. They hadn't ever used it...they just grew it. I tasted it and it tasted nothing like a regular basil plant. The closest thing that it tastes like is sassafras tea or maybe even Clark's Teaberry gum. Anyone ever try...
  13. C

    Leaning a pepper plant

    This year I had two jalapeno, a poblano, and a serano plant. One of the jalapeno and the poblano plants fell over because they got really tall and a big storm came through. This happened late spring. The plant started sprouting secondary stalks out the side. The jalapeno did well by...
  14. C

    food What do you do with your hot sauces?

    I've been reading the hot sauce sub forum and there are as many recipes out there as there are peppers. I'd like to make one some day, but I don't want to get locked into a one-dish sauce. Do you hot sauce makers make different small batches or do you have a general type of sauce? I'm...
  15. C

    Hello from KC!

    Hey all. Once I found this forum, I got all excited. 3 years ago, my mom got a jalapeno plant from grandpa. He likes things hot. He swears up and down it was a jalapeno plant. It was hotter than hell. So dad saved some seeds and last year grew some more. They were still way hotter than...