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  1. AceDeuce

    health Brown spots on bhuts

  2. AceDeuce

    My First Hydro Grow

    I'm giving it a go at hydro growing for the first time. So far I have left the full spectrum grow light on 24-7. Is it time to use a little less light or are the plants still at the stage that constant light is good?
  3. AceDeuce

    Mini Orange Habs

    Thanks for the input ya'll.
  4. AceDeuce

    Mini Orange Habs

    I had a problem with aphids on this plant, it was growing indoors when I found it was infested. The aphids were causing the flowers to fall off and the plant obviously wouldn't produce pods. I took it home and put it outside and it started to set pods but the plant was still small. Someone...
  5. AceDeuce

    2011 Grow log

    Good stuff. They are looking good.
  6. AceDeuce

    pests Bug Friend or Foe??

    I think Oziam is correct. Katydid Nymph Here are some pics of one.
  7. AceDeuce

    hydroponic My Hydroponic System

    That's quite a contraption you have built there. What nutrients will you use?
  8. AceDeuce

    Two Questions

    So here they are...... The couple of different types of germinating I'm trying out. DIRT, ROCK WOOL, & CUPS. I'm hoping to hydro all of these seeds. This is my first time trying hydro growing. To my surprise when I got home, here is one that has actually started to sprout into the rock...
  9. AceDeuce

    Two Questions

    Thanks ya'll. I will take some pics and post em tonight. The temp of the containers seems to stay pretty constant at 80 deg. The seeds are yellow Bhuts
  10. AceDeuce

    pics KCSO53's 2011 pepper pics

    Great pics. I'm going to have to incorporate one of those firepits into my yard when I tear it up. Nothing like a fire on a warm summer night.
  11. AceDeuce

    synclinorium's Grow Log 2011

    Great pics. Love to see them.
  12. AceDeuce

    Two Questions

    1) I'm germinating some seeds in little plastic cups W/ lids and wet paper towel in the bottom. I have set them on a plant starter heating pad and have them under a full spectrum grow light. I have been leaving the light on 24hrs but none of the seeds are germinating. In my research on this site...
  13. AceDeuce

    2011 Grow log

    You have quite the farm going there. The plants are looking great. I'm jealous of your Hab plants. I having some issues with mine. :(
  14. AceDeuce

    PB's Trial Run 2011

    If I was going to add some calcium to my plant water, what do you think the ratio should be?
  15. AceDeuce

    My First Hab Pods

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll let you know how the pods turn out.
  16. AceDeuce

    Top 5 Picks

    2 suggestions. Chile de arbol are great for making salsa. Not much flavor but just spicy enough to satisfy and most sissies can still eat the salsa. I personally love habaneros for the flavor and the heat.
  17. AceDeuce

    My First Hab Pods

    I don't think suprethrive is a fert. although I could be wrong. I think it is just nutrients.
  18. AceDeuce

    Small buds

    I have a rookie question. If a pepper plant is growing wild what is it's natural fruiting season. I assume you can get them to fruit out of season if you mimic the conditions they want. yes????no????
  19. AceDeuce

    My First Hab Pods

    I use superthrive mixed in with the water and I think it's called foxfarm potting soil with worm castings and other good stuff in it.
  20. AceDeuce

    PB's Trial Run 2011

    WOW those are really cool peppers! I would love to grow a plant with color like that. How old is the plant. Not to be a moocher, but if you had some spare seeds I would love to try and grow one. I'm fairly new to the forum and to pepper growing all together. Are the purple mayans hot?