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  1. M

    How long should I allow my cayenne pepper to ripen? Why do the buds yellow and die?

    I've been picking the large green ones. I've been eating them and enjoyed. Am I crazy? My plants have loads of peppers. Should I wait for them to turn red??? I'm interested in eating fresh peppers. Mike
  2. M

    Ripening Green Cayennes Off-Plant?

    I don't know anything about growing peppers. This is my first shot at Cayenne and i have been enjoying eating the green ones. Am I wacko or missing something? I did get two red ones. My plants have lots of peppers Mike
  3. M

    Hi from Sacramento California

    Hi, I love spicy and Hot and on a whim grew some Cayennes and Jalapenos. I am in Northern california. Hot in the summer and cloudy, rainy, cold down to high 30's low 40's some freezes. Any advice for growing and also pickling would be greatly appreciated. Mike