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  1. R

    No idea

    I'll just go find my tape measure now :)
  2. R

    No idea

    Hey all :) I recently got back into growing peppers after having to move. I've had this plant in question for a few months now and it's got some rather large pods on it, though I have no clue as to what type it may be. Any help would be awesome :) Cheers
  3. R

    contest VOTE! Alternative Burger Throwdown

    3/5king :)
  4. R

    Time to stop lurking

    Grats on the crop, and :welcome: from Brisbane :)
  5. R

    Hello from Brazil

    :welcome: from Brisbane :)
  6. R


    Hey ya, :welcome: from Brizzy :)
  7. R

    Hello from QLD, Australia

    Thank you :)
  8. R

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy birthday :) hope you 3 have an enjoyable day :)
  9. R

    I want YOU!

    Nice idea bro, was thinking the same. Although you already know too much about me, I'll reply so others can mingle etc :) Most of my online friends refer to me as Red. I'm currently 25, residing in Brisbane, rather laid back, and a first time pepper grower. Although if I eat too many, they tend...
  10. R

    Two Word Turd

    is starting
  11. R


    :welcome: from Brisbane.
  12. R

    Greetings to all members!

    :welcome: from Brisbane
  13. R

    plant-care Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Nice to see your guys goin so well, Harry :) No replies as of yet from the company... Will give it another day or so before I harass another company who sells them :P
  14. R

    plant-care Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    It may very well be, the only other info on the pack is Capsicum Frutescens. Whatever they are, they're well suited to pots, apparently. Here's a pic of one in fruit, though... If anyone -does- know the proper name/other names for them, please let me know :D And these are images of my indoor...
  15. R

    plant-care Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Saw this and thought I'd add my bit to it for this week. :) I planted 10 Razzmatazz as a kind of trial (my first ever chili crop), about 3 weeks ago. I'm a little surprised, but very happy, that all 10 have now germinated :D I've moved one seedling indoors as the weather is being funny (storms...
  16. R

    Hello from QLD, Australia

    Ah, that's awesome news! Thanks Gasificada & Mrjomama for the tips and that it'd actually be "do able" :) :woohoo:
  17. R

    Cheers mate, I dare say I shall. Good info and everyone seems genuinely friendly, which is...

    Cheers mate, I dare say I shall. Good info and everyone seems genuinely friendly, which is always a good sign :) Really hope I get a solid crop out of these when the time comes, looking forward to the whole seed trading to get some species I haven't eaten before etc :)
  18. R

    Hi from Washington state

  19. R

    Hello from Sevilla

    :welcome: From (not so) sunny Queensland
  20. R

    Hello from QLD, Australia

    Cheers Buddy :) And Mel, not sure how they'd go through customs, matey. Would rather someone over there get them, than have the seeds possibly go to waste /shurgs