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  1. dogshow

    Word Association Thread

  2. dogshow

    Strange fatalii plant & my plants

    Awesome update!!!
  3. dogshow

    PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014

    We have had a cracking summer this year Greg - My grow is still nothing like I want it to be but have had a few of your overwintered nagabons doing very nicely for me - Next year I will document my grow for sure  
  4. dogshow

    PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014

    Awesome as always Greg - Epic grow and fantastic harvest :):)
  5. dogshow

    Greetings from Sweden!

    Hi and  :welcome:
  6. dogshow

    Strange fatalii plant & my plants

    I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how it gets on - Thanks for sharing 
  7. dogshow

    Hello from the UK!

    :welcome:  from London 
  8. dogshow

    Strange fatalii plant & my plants

    Definitely need to see more photos of progress
  9. dogshow

    World Yawn-er, Cup

    Think this one is wrapped up :)
  10. dogshow

    Strange fatalii plant & my plants

    great looking grow Paul - coming along well, keep us updated on the mystery plant 
  11. dogshow

    outdoors A beautiful fishing story. well kinda.

    Here is another one for you - Reminds me of a fishing trip on the Zambezi for tiger fish with my old man, baits are in water and we are drifting down river. I get a hit and my line is being stripped of the reel. Its not fast enough to be a tiger fish though, this was too slow and steady. We fire...
  12. dogshow

    campaign Lucky Dog Hot Sauce is Live on Kickstarter!

    Congrats on your success
  13. dogshow

    GeorgeJ's 2014 Tokyo-a-grow-grow - Podding Up Like Crazy!

    Looking great - Keep the updates coming 
  14. dogshow

    I HAVE FOUND MY OWN! SO GLAD TO BE HERE! My quick story...

    Welcome from the UK 
  15. dogshow


    Got my package delivered yesterday - I'm totally stoked... Definitely no need to go elsewhere. 
  16. dogshow

    JutsFL pepper glog - 2014 (first from seed grow)

    Great recovery from that storm - love the irrigation system and awesome pod porn :)
  17. dogshow

    First time grow, how are these looking? [UK]

    Chucky1991 just be sure not to over water. As everyone has said, your plants look great, you'll have pods sooner than you think :)
  18. dogshow

    7 pot Jonah x Pimenta da Neyde

    That purple pod looks fantastic 
  19. dogshow

    Hot pepper Glog with Ukraine, Mykolaiv city

    Great progress - those are some very happy plants 
  20. dogshow

    First time grow, how are these looking? [UK]

    Looks great - My OW plants have pods at the moment but my 2014 plants look much the same 