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  1. Jessica

    Hi from Indy

    :welcome: from Fort Wayne
  2. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    Datil plant Mystery #5(the purpley one that dropped all of its leaves) Shredded plant Mystery #2, starting to get buds, might turn this one into a bonsai Thai giant, loaded with pods yellow 7 pod, looking evil Stripey fish peppers Yellow bonnets Yellow thai peppers Lemon...
  3. Jessica

    food First meal made with home-grown peppers

    Yes, I got a couple of culantro seedlings to germinate, which I subsequently killed. I don't have good luck with herbs for some reason, out of like 10 different kinds of herbs I tried to grow, only the sweet basil and thai basil lived more than a few months. Might try again with the culantro soon
  4. Jessica

    food First meal made with home-grown peppers

    Cilantro tastes like dishsoap. Lol, its just a personal preference. I know they probably never use italian parsley in SE Asia lol
  5. Jessica

    food First meal made with home-grown peppers

    Picked two of these today. And made a curry with them Ingredients list: The peppers (unknown type) Onion Mae Ploy red paste Coconut Milk Swai Fish Fish Sauce Lemon Juice Fresh Basil Fresh Parsley(would use cilantro if it didn't taste gross) Jasmine Rice
  6. Jessica

    plant Two mystery plants-updated

    Plant #1 is turning purplish black. Every one of the peppers on the plant has a blackish tint, I guess it doesn't show up well in the photos. And plant two is going orange. The colors are bad in these pics, it's a little more orange in real life
  7. Jessica

    Pet Word Peeves

    The biggest thing that irks me is that tons of people cannot spell "definitely". I'm not that big on grammar/spelling, but the number of people that spell it "defiantly" or "definately" drives me crazy. Edit: Seems I'm not alone on this
  8. Jessica

    What fast food do you despise

    Pizza Hut is the worst for me. I really don't like Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell, KFC etc etc either. It doesn't help that both of my parents would happily live off of KFC for the rest of their lives
  9. Jessica

    Hey from Elkhart, In

    Hello from Fort Wayne
  10. Jessica

    Does anyone here like Anime?

    I've been re-watching a bunch of Adult Swim anime, and started watching a few new ones as well. Recently finished Baccano!, which was totally brilliant except for the intro episode.
  11. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    I think it might of been this big brown grasshopper that lives in the area with the plants that I can't seem to be able to catch and kill. It has eaten some leaves and I suppose it was just sampling the pepper, and hopefully decided that it didn't like it. If there was an earwig anywhere near...
  12. Jessica

    food Kung Pao Chicken

    That looks great!! Did you use the Shaoxing wine the recipe called for? Because I've never seen it before and have no idea where to look for it. Also, thank you for the website link, it's awesome, already got a bunch of the recipes bookmarked
  13. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    Anyone know what type of bug does this? There is a hole in it, but no bug, worm, eggs etc inside.
  14. Jessica

    Discontinued things you loved

    A little off-topic, but have you seen this? :rofl:
  15. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    Here's an update Mystery 1/Jalapeno Thai giant, the first of the CCN plants to have flowers open up (not that surprising since it had two pods on it when it came out of the box that I yanked off) One of the Basket of Fire's, the other one is off recovering from being smashed by the...
  16. Jessica

    free Free: Culantro Seeds ===Closed===

    This took forever to get a photo of not a green blurry blob, or so bright you can't see anything. No pictures of the ones that came up in the outage. I think possibly that they came up then because I had the heat mat on 24/7 and maybe the day without heat made them pop up. The plant in the...
  17. Jessica

    free Free: Culantro Seeds ===Closed===

    I lost my first two seedlings during the 4 day power outage here, they picked the worst time to pop up lol. Have another little seedling growing now, hopefully it lives
  18. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    The first plant in that post is a "Basket of Fire" ornamental pepper from seeds purchased at Hirt's Garden's(very poor reputation...I suggest not buying from there). They have kind of a neat cascading branch thing going on, and the pods are colorful, from light green to purple to orange to red...
  19. Jessica

    Total noob Glog

    I think Mystery #4 is done for, but Mystery #2 is branching out nicely. Mystery #3 pics The last pic is supposed to be a size reference, but it ended up looking waaay bigger than it is
  20. Jessica


    Looks like it is about time to yank one or two of these and transplant them. They really seemed to like having the container rotated