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  1. VS Tyrant

    seed-plant-vendors Pepper Joe

    See, that's what I'm talking about right there. How do I argue with that?
  2. VS Tyrant

    seed-plant-vendors Pepper Joe

    I have never gotten what I ordered from Pepper Joe, but have always quietly returned as a shopper due to customer service. Even though all 3 of my past orders have been messed up, and there seems to be a high number of orders in general that are messed up, these issues seemed to get resolved...
  3. VS Tyrant

    Dried Bhut Jolokias?

    It depends on how they are dried. If they are dried naturally, use them like you would any other pepper flake. If they are dehydrated, I don't buy them. Experiment, its all personal preference.
  4. VS Tyrant

    seeds-germination Germinating seeds from fresh pepper

    Sometimes with tepin-like peppers I'll just cut the peppers in half and put the whole thing in the ground. Every seed in there germinates, just have to thin them out later.
  5. VS Tyrant

    what am I

    Several peppers can take on that shape.
  6. VS Tyrant

    Holes in Solo Cups

    I just stab the bottom of mine with a knife.
  7. VS Tyrant

    seeds-germination When to transplant seedlings into bigger containers...

    I transplant them one they have produced 2 sets of true leaves.
  8. VS Tyrant

    Pasilla de Oaxaca?

    I'm not sure about this variety, but if it originated in oaxaca theres a good chance that it is primarily used in the ways you've mentioned. That doesn't mean they can't be used in other ways, I think thats a cultural thing. My wife who is from Mexico says dried is the primary way to use it...
  9. VS Tyrant

    Fish Peppers

    I have a fish pepper mother plant going this year and I'm looking to trade for any of the carribean varieties. If anyone is interested let me know. I have a ton of ghost pepper seeds to sweeten the deal if necessary. Thanks!
  10. VS Tyrant

    Newbie way over his head

    I did the same thing as well. I started off with 4 on the front porch just to see if I could do it and now I have at least 1300 plants and a business. There should be a warning label on seed packets warning you of the addictive properties of growing peppers.
  11. VS Tyrant

    seeds-germination germinating in gel... wuuuut..!!??

    I have never soaked my seeds and I usually get above 90% germination. My business partner soaks them and I haven't seen any difference in germination rates or times. Most people recommend it so there might be something to it, but I haven't noticed a difference.
  12. VS Tyrant

    watering Goldfish Water for Fert

    I use it all the time. I only use ferts that I can produce on my own so this stuff comes in handy.
  13. VS Tyrant

    Pro- mix HP Vs. Pro-mix bx for Florida weather?

    There's alot to be said for this Florida soil. I mix cheap compost/cow manure with soil from the backyard for my pots with great success. Saves alot of money too.
  14. VS Tyrant

    I've never seen it before

    It was very unlikely, that's why I posted it. I've planted around 600 seeds so far this year alone and haven't seen it before.
  15. VS Tyrant

    I've never seen it before

    The cheapest garbage compost and topsoil wally-world had to offer. i'll go out there and check out the brand in a bit and let you know, but I don't think it had anything to do with it. Just a fluke with a couple super seeds.
  16. VS Tyrant

    I've never seen it before

    Could be the seed or the soil temp Spanky. All I did was fill a gallon size freezer ziplock bag with a mixture of cheap cow manure/compost and twiggy topsoil then stuffed it with seeds and closed the top. I do this alot to save space but I've never had that germination speed before using the...
  17. VS Tyrant

    Pepper Seed Survey - Help Me Make Up My Mind. Please : )

    I believe that the taste of a dried pepper is much different from the taste of a fresh one. In this case, drying the Black Pearls takes away some of that less than desirable "ornamental" taste that many of the ornamentals have. All thats left is a slow burning ceyenne-like heat that is ideal...
  18. VS Tyrant

    Glad to be here

    Thanks for all the welcomes! This must be a great forum. T Scorps Ghosts Chocolate Habs Mustard Habs Aji Limon Black Pearl Purple Flash Datil Numex Twilight Red Hot Cherry Cow Tongue Peter Peppers Jalapeno Poblano Tobasco Thai Dragon Fatali I've got about 300 plants going at the moment...
  19. VS Tyrant

    I've never seen it before

    I just had some ghosts germinate and break soil in 12 hours in less than desirable conditions. Super hots generally take longer than others from my experience, so this was a shocker. What's the fastest you guys have had super hots germinate?
  20. VS Tyrant

    seed-plant-vendors Ordering plants as opposed to seeds?

    I think seeds are always cheaper and really aren't much work. Put some soil in a cup, plant the seed, keep tem moist, and put them in a window sill. It really is that simple, and you often get 10+ plants for the same price as one plant. Only problem I've found with seeds is that there are so...