Newbie way over his head

Yep same happened around here. I started twice the number of seeds i wanted to keep. so 2 to a plug with plans to cull the weeker one of the two.... Well i couldnt bring myself to do it. so ended up with 25% more plants than i wanted and the other 25% went all together in one pot and was thrown in a window sill. I was hoping they would just compete each other to death. Or the lack of light would get them. But it seems they are survivors and that pot now just looks like one huge bushy plant! Looks kind cool in its window sill though so now its decoration :)
yep its super addictive ... i joined here wanting to get the best info on growing 5 or so super hot plants ... its only been like 2 months since that idea and now i got around 45 plants and just bought 140 more seeds today... :fireball:
I did the same thing as well. I started off with 4 on the front porch just to see if I could do it and now I have at least 1300 plants and a business. There should be a warning label on seed packets warning you of the addictive properties of growing peppers.
Only 65 plants? I've got extra seeds I can send ya and I'm sure if you ask nicely the rest of the folks around here would be happy to send you more. Hate to think any pepper grower doesn't have enough plants.

Good luck.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Cheers Patrick, now I've gotta clean off the beer I just spat over my monitor!
Only 65 plants? I've got extra seeds I can send ya and I'm sure if you ask nicely the rest of the folks around here would be happy to send you more. Hate to think any pepper grower doesn't have enough plants.

Good luck.

Thanks, Patrick but fifteen of my white Habs that hadn't popped just did so I think I'm good at 80 plants. On the other hand.... I wonder how many plants I can fit in my bathtub?
You guys are hilarious. I had to look twice to make sure I didn't start this thread.
I got some seeds from a friend as a Christmas gift,
ordered a few from Pepper Joe
and was gifted a ton by Don Lava.

Wound up with more seeds than I had anticipated, my wife looks at me and asks, "what are you going to do with all these?"

I slowly looked back up at her and said the only thing I could think to do with seeds...

"plant 'em"

Clearly the bug hath bit...
I think this just might warrant a spin-off thread of "Things my wife says when she see's my grow lab"!

Last year I had about 20 seedlings and only 8 made it.
This year I planted around 70 seedlings and I'm up to around 50. Many will be given away to adventuresome co-workers and possibly some neighbors.
I've already got ideas in my head for converting power strips and shelving units into a grow lab. I don't think my wife will be happy.
Well the good news is if you really do have too many plants you can always sell them! I'm sure you can find a farmers market or nursery or heck do a garage sale! BTW, feel free to send me some plants to uh verify their health ya thats the ticket
I use my extras to barter. Traded for everything from fresh eggs to fresh fish. I make sure I grow what I can handle and the extras get me some extras.