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  1. Jay

    Jordan's Extremely Late Grow Log

    They are very close together, unfortunately im a little low on space, and may have accidentally started many more than I could handle. I have already given a bunch away. Thanks!
  2. Jay

    Jordan's Extremely Late Grow Log

    A lot of nice people have sent me things last year and I have had no time to post anything since I've spent the past couple months writing my thesis! So here is the long overdue start to a glog, mainly as thanks to the people who have sent me seeds, to show them I'm actually using them.  ...
  3. Jay


  4. Jay

    Yellow Leaves

    Hmm, yea I've never tried in clear cups to be honest, just going by word of mouth. I'f they worked fine for you then that's good enough of a reason for me to say its probably ok.
  5. Jay

    Yellow Leaves

    I would agree with overwatering. Also, clear plastic cups aren't the best I believe. The roots don't like light, and might not grow out fully to the edge of the container. If I'm wrong about that I'm sure someone on here will say something. Anyways, good luck with it.
  6. Jay

    Jay's (Jordan's) small glog

    Alright, update time. Recently I had the benefit of receiving a care package from romy, and man was it awesome! I hadn't actually eaten superhots before, so the dried bhuts kinda hurt, but hey, it was fun. Alright here is some of what he sent. Also, I found the orange habanero at a nursery...
  7. Jay

    new to growing peppers

    Welcome from Ontario!
  8. Jay

    JAMAICAN SCOTCH bonnets or hot chocolates...PODS...

    I would gladly send some fresh scotch bonnets, however I am not sure how fresh they will be when they get to cali. It would probably take 2 weeks to get there from here.
  9. Jay

    Canadian Hot Pepper Growers

    Yeah I know that feeling....I'm being rushed by a certain someone as well.
  10. Jay

    Some great news I have to share with you all

    Congrats! Good luck with life!
  11. Jay

    Canadian Hot Pepper Growers

    I'm going to wait until may 24 I think. Maybe even a week after. I'll base that on what everyone else is saying.
  12. Jay

    Hello fellow heat junkies!

    Welcome from Ontario
  13. Jay

    Megahots grow log 2011-2012

    Awesome setup and plants! did you pinch that bhut with the bottom growth? or did it just start growing like that on its own? Either way, nice looking plant.
  14. Jay

    romy6 2012

    Looking good as usual! watcha got growing beside that chocolate scorp?
  15. Jay

    What age/size is it normal/ok for plants to start producing flowers?

    Yeah I've heard between 1 and 2 feet. I believe closer to 1 foot for annuums.
  16. Jay

    Jay's (Jordan's) small glog

    Right now our temps are about the same. -3 C in at night. And the hoophouse is a great way to get them outside earlier. My issue right now is that I have not done it before, and I leave saturday for florida (will be gone for about a week). So even if I get it up by then, I wouldn't be able to...
  17. Jay

    Orange Bantam?

    perhaps the pods will turn orange when ripe. I would wait and see.
  18. Jay

    The Pepper Cure/Deterrent

    I also haven't been sick in the past few months. However, I'm getting tired of the a** fire in the morning. Does this subside after a while? Lol serious question.
  19. Jay

    Hello from Salvador - BA - Brazil!

    Welcome from Ontario, Canada!
  20. Jay

    what is this and how do i get rid of it

    Unfortunately, I agree with scale.