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  1. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    End of my first growing season is here. Noticed heavy white frost on the roofs of houses last week. Right away my ghost pepper plants started losing leaves. The other plants look ok, but the remaining peppers don't seem to be getting ripe. Ghost Peppers losing leaves after 1st Frost by...
  2. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    FadeToBlack, thanks for the comments. The big suns are great. Tons of heat and a citrus overone. I am drying most and made some into jam today. Romy6, thanks, I have learned a lot reading this site. Also from my dad. Stc3248, thanks also, I think the corner is going to get bigger next...
  3. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Harvest is in full swing. I am noticing that about 10-20% of my Chocolate Habs and Ghost Peppers look good from the outside, but when I slice them open they have a black fungus or mold inside. I am beginning to wonder if the plants are too close together and not getting adequate airflow...
  4. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Big Sun Habanero peppers are starting to ripen. I hope they taste as good as they look. Big Sun Habanero by bigfan1403, on Flickr
  5. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Recent rains have really perked up the plants after a long hot dry spell here in Michigan. There are many pods and some are ripening. I will make some hot pepper jam this weekend with the jalapeno and hot cherry peppers. I am drying the chocolate habs. Unfortunately the one ghost pepper...
  6. Fizz


    I did receive feedback from Burpee and they indicated the peppers will be Bananna or Hot Daddy. I do have one pepper that is turning red. Burpee did offer to send new seeds next season to make up for the mistake. mystery pepper by bigfan1403, on Flickr
  7. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Thanks to my dad for watering while I was away the past couple of weeks. Just returned and picked my first peppers of the season. A few jalapeno and hot cherry peppers. 06Jul12 Hot Peppers by bigfan1403, on Flickr
  8. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    My Hot pepper garden is taking off with blossoms forming on most plants. Plenty of warm weather and some hand watering lately. I mulched with ground leaves from last fall (compliments of my dad). It does a great job keeping weeds down and the ground moist, then turn it under in the fall for...
  9. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    One week after transplant and another lesson learned - cage or stake your plants when planting. I planted last weekend and all seemed good after one day, then we had a big storm roll through with very high winds. I luckily did not lose any plants, but some the habaneros and ghost peppers...
  10. Fizz


    Update: I contacted Burpee and they were able to track down the error with the lot information from the package. I appreciated them getting back with me and they offered a refund or replacement. I asked what type of peppers they packaged by mistake and will update further if I get an answer...
  11. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Yeah, planting day! Seeds started 12 weeks ago: My main hot pepper garden: Hot Peppers Planted 26May2012 by bigfan1403, on Flickr My secondary hot pepper garden: Hot Peppers Planted 26May2012 by bigfan1403, on Flickr Here is pictures of my peppers now planted in my dad's garden (he has...
  12. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Jamison and Paul G, Thanks for the feedback. I will be planting this coming holiday weekend. My dad has learned the hard way to not plant too early here in Michigan.
  13. Fizz


    Thanks for responding everyone. It is good to know they are not Habaneros at this point so I can probably pick up a few plants at the local garden center. It was a Burpee package and I will contact them. They must have had a quality control issue. Package marked with: Picked for 2012...
  14. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Hi stc3248 I posted a question on the Orange Habaneros and others have confirmed they are not. It appears they are some kind of annum, so Burpee must have had a quality control problem. The blossoms did turn to fruit indoors. Thanks for looking at my grow log. This is my first year and...
  15. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    The plants have been living on my covered front porch for the last week (east facing). THey have also been spending time out front in full sunlight. Next weekend they will be planted and distributed to friends and family. Hot Peppers at 11 weeks by bigfan1403, on Flickr I posted a...
  16. Fizz


    Do these look like Habaneros? I included standard Habanero seeds for the package shown in the picture below. At 11 weeks, I have peppers on the plants. At this early point of development, they look somewhat elongated. Habanero? by bigfan1403, on Flickr Habanero? by bigfan1403, on Flickr...
  17. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    9 Weeks: What started out as one 72-cell starter tray has grown into 48 plants that are now out of the basement and taken over the dining table. Hot Pepper Plants at 9 weeks by bigfan1403, on Flickr Started the hardening off process today with about an hour stint on the back deck...
  18. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Week 8 Update: I was away on business trip and returned to find the plants were crowding each other under the lights in the basement. So I moved the largest of them upstairs. Also noticed a few plants had curled leaves and white bumps under the leaves. Researching this site I learned it is...
  19. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Paul, Thanks for the encouragement. I am having loads of fun and started preparing the planting beds yesterday.
  20. Fizz

    Fizz's First Grow Log - 2012

    Week 6: Blossoms forming on most of my orange Habanero's and some of my Hot Cherry plants. Hot Pepper Blossoms by bigfan1403, on Flickr Hot Pepper Blossoms by bigfan1403, on Flickr